quick hi :)
Hi everyone,
It's been centuries since I last posted but wanted to say a quick hello to everyone and hope y'all are doing great. I can't report weight loss since I've been the same weight for the last 5months or so! 132..134, that's what the scale always reads. I guess I should be thankful that I'm not gaining. I still want to be at an ideal weight of 125, but I don't think my body is agreeing with me. Go figure
Anywho, just read that there's a few pregnant Aug2004's, CONGRATULATIONS!

Hi Norma... I am more on my Texas board and now am a Obesity Help Support group leader.. I have about 30 - 40 people in my support group and we meet once a month...
I am holding between 125 - 130.. bouncing back between that... but I am happy where I am...down from 227 and was wearing a size 18/20 now in a size 2 or 4 or 6 depends on the clothes..
Going sky diving on 5/6 for the second time...
the only issue I am really having now is never being hungry and my blood sugar drops and I get the shakes, dizzy, and sweats... I am trying to eat on a more scheduled basis but when you arent hungry and its a mental thing about eating then sometimes its hard....
Thanks Norma! I'd also love to get down to 125 (after Alice comes of course), but before I got pregnant I just couldn't get down past 135. Part of it was skin...part of it was my lack of exercise. Oh well...I still have the rest of my life to try to get there...
EDD 8/6/06
It's a girl - Alice Kay