Just a Hello and check in
Hi eveyone.
Sorry I have not been very active on the boards the past few months but trust me my life has been far from inactive as one can get.
Just after Thanksgiving we were given two weeks notice to move! (Again) and this was just after we had planned an extended Christmas vacation of 14 days. So when we had to pack and move and then pack and fly away. Well we are just getting re-settled and I am just now able to find local MD's and get into the swing of this new life. Hopefully this move will be for at least 4 years (at least that is what hubby's orders are for!)
In keeping true to form --- I had the unfortunate luck to already meet a new MD via the ER. As some of you know I have had ulcers from even before my by pass. The more serious one was on the connection between the pouch and the intestine.... Well after 18 months that one has finally healed but now I have two new ones and one is bleeding. This is despite taking Solutabs twice a day and staying ever vigerlent with all my meds and not taking ANY NASIDS. This is real hard as I also have arthritis and Aspirin is the only thing that seems to help with that pain. I am also anemic and need B12 shots.
To add to all of this I fell and broke my shoulder and will be having surgery on that in a few weeks, as it did not set well.
I have tried to read all of the posts and want to say that you all look GREAT and CONGRATULATIONS on doing so well. I know there are some like me that seems to be having some complication still but for me I am doing well despite them. When I had an MRI a few days ago.. the tech keep saying MY you are so tiny and had to put a pillow under my arm to keep it snug and in frame!. HA HA!
I am about 130 and lost a total of 68 pounds so far Just 10 more to GOAL! I still am loosing about 2 pounds a month. I am hoping that by the two year mark I wil be at goal MY goal is 110. My MD's Goal is 120. current a loose Size 8 (petiete)
BEST OF ALL is that my diabeties is doing so much better. I still take insulin but now it is a total of 30/10 units (Humalog/NPH)a DAY as opposed to the 250/125 (Humalog/Lantus) plus 50 Avanida.
when my son was helping with the laundry he held up a pair of MY jeans and said Oh OH!
I think we got someone elses laundry! Then said these were way to tiny!. and then he realaised they were mine and just hugged me.
As for the question of PS...
My younger son was talking with some friends. One had seen his MOM' Boobies!
and was taking about how big they were... My son ( not knowing I was in listening shot) very proudly blurted out... Oh Yeah well my mom's come all the way down to here... placing his hands just below his knees!
I know that my Insurance will pay for some of it, but I am not to sure I really want MORE surgery. Still I watch the discovery Health Channel every time I see a listing for PS Post GBP.