8/16/04 - FRUSTRATED
Hi everyone. It's been a very long time since I've been here. Life has gotten away from me. My job search for 6 months and now in place at a new job has kept me away. I know I shouldn't have been gone for so long.
I have to say this past 16 months has been amazing, but the last 3 or 4, frustrating. I haven't really lost any weight since September, in fact, I'm up a couple of lbs. from my September weight that I posted here, however, I can say that I had gained 16 lbs over the last few months, and just in the last week have lost 11 lbs. So at 16 1/2 months I am now 231 lbs.
My husband I received a gym membership for Christmas to a fitness center that is right across the street from us. The membership begins on January 1. I am really going to make the effort to go, and hope my husband really pushes me. This past week we have tried something a little different too. Now that I got a job closer to home I don't have to leave at the butt crack of dawn anymore. My husband works about 3/4 of a mile from here, and since we only have one car it can be inconvenient, however, the days that he goes to work at 6am, he takes the car, and then I walk up to get it when I am ready to go to work. Between that and my water pill I started taking, I think I can attribute this weeks 10 lb. loss to that. Gives me a little motivation, I guess.
I hope everyone of you is doing great, and I hope the holidays weren't difficult on your weight.
I promise I will be back more often. I really need you guys...I need support from people that know what this is like...no one else truly understands.
Take care!
Dr. Goal - 209
My Goal - 185
Hi Judy
It's great to see you again. I know what you mean about the exercise, it really is the key to losing...that and getting in enough water. I have all my exercise equipment here at home, and i am sure to walk every single day. This surgery was truly a gift, and i am trying my best to keep it working and not get back to what i once was. Good luck to you, keep up the good work. You've done a great job!
Dr. goal - 180
My goal -160

Hey Judy,
It is so great to hear from you! All through this process you and I seemed to be on the same wavelength. I haven't been on in a while, but gained 3 pounds over the last 2 weeks, so decided I better come back to the source of my inspiration. Reading your posting was exactly what I needed - so thank you!
I am down to 237 (my lowest has been 234 - but a few glasses of wine and some cheesecake killed that). I've been in this range (within 8 pounds) since about July. It is really frustrating, but I'm learning to forgive myself.
Just yesterday I told my husband I need to get back into my exercise routine. I actually still eat well and make good choices, but the exercise is lacking. My asthma is bothered by the cold, so I tend to avoid going outside if I can, which keeps me from the gym.
My goal is to lose 10 pounds before my next doctor's visit in February. I think it's an attainable goal and will do what I need to do to get there. My doctor hasn't ever set a weight loss goal for me - and I'll never be satisfied with the loss anyway. At my last visit I had lost almost 60% of my excess weight, which he considers "successful", so that's that.
I wish you all the best in the new year - keep us posted!

We missed you! I am so glad to hear from you and know you are alright.
Like you, I haven't lost much in the last several months, and I keep fighting with the same 5 pounds. It's so frustrating.
I am a snacker....and I love to eat. I can eat larger portions now, and that really scares me too. But, the up-side to the surgery is that I know when to stop eating, and I can push back from the table when I am full, and I like that feeling of being in control.
My husband gave me an Ab-Lounge for Christmas. I love it. Since I haven't been working out at Curves as regularly, I should be getting more exercise on my own. But I am not. Maybe the Ab-Lounge will help me work on this stomach! Ha!
Hey! You're now alone in the boat, girlfriend! All of us have our up days and our down days. It's going to be a life-long battle, just like before, but we're already so far ahead of the game.
My brother called today to say he got a date for his surgery, and he's so excited. I cannot wait for him to start losing that excess weight---and feeling so much better.
Don't you feel better than you did two years ago? Then don't worry about tomorrow....just keep being the same wonderful you and take it one day at a time. You're going to be just fine!
We all love you!
P.S. Congratulations on the new job.