Old habits?
I would first like to say Happy New Year. I would like to post a simple question. Does anyone still have some old habits from the time before the surgery? I still have some habits. When I go to eat I still many times look for a table with chairs and not a booth. I didn't fit in a booth before the surgery. Finally, when I go clothes shoping, I still look for the big and tall section of the store. For a long time I only shoped at one section of the stores. They are not serious habit problems, but they just simply old habits. I don't write much on the board, but I do read them when I have a chance. I would like to say you are all WONDERFUL.:
Those old habits are hard to break! I am 16 months post-op and just now starting to break some of them. Weird things like:
- using the handicapped bathroom stall because it is bigger
- waiting 10 minutes to get a close parking spot
- buying things that are way too big
- avoiding turnstyles
- adding up the weight of people on the elevator with you
Funny the things we do and don't even realize it!
Good luck in developing some new, healthy habits!

Oh yes! I have some of these that I am trying to break also!
~ Not parking between two large cars in a parking lot because I won't be able to get out of my own car!
~ Going through a wide aisle at a check-out line because I can't fit around my cart to empty it.
~ Carefully plotting my path through a crowded room to be sure I don't have to squeeze through people or acidentally trip over someone.
~ Sitting on the end of a row at the theater or somewhere where I won't have to crawl over people.
All these things aren't necessary anymore, but I still have to break myself of thinking about them. Good luck to you all!
Laura, it has been over a year since our surgery, and I still can't get myself to go to the movies. I know the number one reason is the price, but the second one has to be because of the past. Every time I went to the movies, I had to get there early to get a seat at the end of the rowalso. I am glad those days are gone, but it is still in our mind. Thank you and God bless.
cool post...
-buying clothes much bigger than I need. I still go to the back of a clothes rack to go for the XL's, eventhough I'm now at a Medium, even Small depending on designer
-not wanting any piggy backs or people lifting me or else they're REALIZE how heavy I truly am. My housemate literally picked me up like nothing and I held on for dear life thinking he'd break his back for even trying.
-going into the bigger stall in a bathroom to have more room and not be so crowded in there because of my size
-still having the "how we hate diets" talk with women in the coffee room at work. I say how I still want to lose more weight, and they SNEER! hehe. I deserve that one since I'm down to 130lbs :P
-weighing myself everytime I see a scale! I still weigh myself at least once a week to see how much I haven't lost! I've go up 5lbs one week, and drop it the next...my weight ranges from 130-135 since about 5months.
-still say i have a big butt or look too big.
I think we all have the "old habits"!
...large stall...
...looking at large and xlarge department, even 1x and etc...
...tables and not booth...
...hold my bag close, dont want to knock someone over...
...wondering who that person is reflected in the store window...
...buying larger jeans, cause I know I must wear a 16 instead of a 12...
...looking at the larger shoes, 9 when I wear an 8 now...
and on the list goes....
Hang in the girlfriend!
Marla, just reading your list made me realize I still have too many old habits. When I gave my list of habits I thought I had just a couple of them. Now I see I have several. Your list is funny. I never wanted to see myself in the mirror when I was very heavy set. Now I still can't get myself to see myself in the mirror. I bought a pair of jeans that eventually were too big. It was not because I lost more weight, it was because I could not accept I was smaller size. Now I have to invest more money and replace them. Thank you for your replies and God bless you and good look
Hi Norma, everytime I drive through a Big and Tall store I have to remind myself that I can't no longer shop there. Everything you wrote many us can relate. It is also very funny. I still weight myself every Friday. I stay about the same weight but it is just a habit. During the holidays I felt like ate more than normal. Many times I thought outloud and said I ate too much. Everyone would look at me just laugh. Everyone knows that what we eat since the surgery is small compared to most people. Even if we want to eat a lot, we just can't. God bless you and keep on looking great.
P.S. Just remember Jennifer Lopez is rich and well known for a big butt.