I feel like....a sharpei!
LOL! Ok, anyone else feel like underneath their clothes (which from looking at people's updated pics, I can see you all look awesome in them!), they have been genetically minced with a Sharpei Puppy?! Don't get me wrong, those puppies are darn cute, but I don't think I enjoy looking in the mirror and seeing wrinkles of skin where there shouldn't be any!
The other odd thing is that because of the loose skin and tissue associated with it, I can wear smaller clothes than my "measurements" say I should be able to, simply because the flubbery skin and tissue is so squishy. When I lay on my back, for example, my tummy disappears and it's nice and flat. I am wearing Size 6's, but were I to take my measurements it would claim I was a size 8-10, I'm sure.
Since I can't afford the amount of plastics it would take to "lift and tuck" all this extra skin and tissue (though I probably will be able to get a TT soon, at least, which would ROCK), anyone have any ideas for how to deal with the extra skin and tissue, at the very least mentally?
Thanks in Advance!

Hi Stacy... I am the same way... I am in a size 4 or 6 but if all this skin was gone I would be in a size 0 or 2... I hate the hanging stomach and the pouchy couchy.... I can deal with the boobs but the stomach part drives me crazy.... cause I know its all skin....
Wish I could get a tt soon but since we havent sold our other house I cant see spending 16k on tt & breast lift.... I have seen 3 plastic surgeons already and the prices range from 10k - 16k depending on who I use....
Guess we just have to keep covering up the skin.....
1st Surgery/Revision/Current
I have some hanging skin, like the girls are a bit too long and flat, the tummy is not flat, and no butt, just hanging skin. I have weighted it in my mind and this is what I came up with for me.
1. I am 65 yrs young.
2. I have no problem with skin rash.
3. I do not wear two piece swim suits, may some time who knows.
4. I look great! in my size 12 jeans.
5. There is swing when I wave under the arms, who cares, I can wave!
6. Not looking for a man that thinks a 65 yr old grandmother should have tight smoth skin.
7. I do not want to go under the knife again.
So bottom line, no tt, butt lift, nor underarm fix. I am happy with my skinny body and my health. Now if I was 20 years younger, I might think differently.
For those of you who need and want to loose the skin, good luck to you!
My surgeon said that I have about 16 or so pounds just in flabby skin hanging off of me at this point. And we were joking when I told him that he might not undrestand and then stood up to show him what I was thinking, he said, "Oh, I know, all my women patients tell me. . . "
And then he said "You feel like you've gone from 40 DD to 40 LONG!"
So I guess he DOES understand!

Yes. I can relate to the loose skin thing. It is something that I am having trouble learning to live with. I have purchased some slimming undergarments---and the best ones are the Slim and Lift (like you see on TV). EBay sells them, and I've got a link: http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?cgiurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2F&fkr=1&from=R8&satitle=slim+and+lift&category0=
I think that you can buy them at the drug store too, in the panty hose aisle, but check around.
Also, a long line bra (you can buy these at Wal-Mart) do wonders for smoothing out the back (bra hook) area. That is a trouble spot for me with some shirts.
Good luck!