I'm finally normal!
Today I got on the scale and it said 127.....................which is a normal BMI for me (24.8). I have waited for this.........I said to myself when you have a normal BMI its time to stop making fat jokes about yourself. Its so weird because that has alway been a part of my personality. Well now people look at me like I am crazy when I say something like that about myself. I have probably never had a normal BMI my whole life........this is to cool
Also Congrats to all the August babies our tallies really went sky high! We have all done an amazing job! Keep up the Good Work!
5'0 256/127/120

Marianne, that is so wonderful that you are at normal now! I don't know if you remember me or not, but a few months ago, I emailed you and told you how wonderful you look, etc, etc. Well, since that time, I have kept your page as one of my favortites. I occasionally go and read your profile and see hoe you are doing. Well, yesterday I had a surprise.... I seen all your new pictures.. I just wanted to tell you, that you have absolutely blossomed into a very beautiful swan, and you are honestly my inspiration. I even called my freind at their work yesterday and I forwarded her your page, and I told her to take a look at you. And she did. She was in TOTAL Shock!! She was just like, oh my gosh. Look at her!! Now, my freind I called is considering the surgery.. (Hasn't made her mind up yet) But she did say that after looking at your pictures she is getting very excited about the results and the feeling of well-being in a year after surgery. I was just happy for her that your profile has been an inspiration to her as well. I was just in tears yesterday thinking that I too could be your size in about 6 more months. I am working very hard at it. I started out at 294 5'3". I am now at 212. I have lost 82 pounds in 5 1/2 months. I look at my arms, and I look at the horrific gut I still have, and I think negative. I still see the same person in the mirror as I did when I was 294. Even though everyone else is in shock when they see me, and they are proud of me, I just don't see it? Why? I don't know. I feel better thats for sure. It feels good to be able to cross my legs in a booth at a restaurant now, and ride these rides, run, and play now. Anyways, now I am rambling on and on... Well, I am from North Carolina I had my surgery in March, and I just wanted to let you know that I am really inspired by the struggles you have been through and all the hard work you have put into your weight loss journey. You look really amazing, and I actually cry sometimes when I think this is going to happen to me too. Please continue to keep us all posted on how your doing, because I am and have been for a while following your steps and watching how you do. I am very proud of you, and I hope to one day be able to say Wow, I am normal too!!
Keep up the good work!
5'3" 294 / 212 / -82 lost!

Congrats to you Marianne
You look wonderful and have given me the extra push I need to get back in the mode and get to my goal. 15 pounds to go. I really need to get off my butt and go back to the gym. The weight is not coming off at all anymore, no matter what I eat or don't eat. I have been gaining and losing the same 5 pounds for 2 months now. How did you do it? Are you working out alot? I think I have leveled out and won't lose anymore till I start working out again. What do you think? When you got closer to your goal did the weight just suddenly stop coming off like me? Sorry about all the questions, but I am getting a little worried that my body won't give me anymore. I weigh 162 pounds & have lost 143 pounds. I know that's alot, but I really wanted to get to my goal of 150 pounds. Thanks for listening....

You sure do look GREAT!
Hay Lisa,,,,,,, I also have leveled off with 15-20 pounds to goal. I have added more activity and have been using www.FITDAY.COM and have added support of two "normal" friends that are dieting as well. So we all keep other HONEST with our diest. ( One is doing Jenny Craig and the other is using Weigh****chers) I love FITDAY because I can see where the calories are coming from as well as keep track of my food log, activity logs and weight loss. THE BEST part is that it is privet.

Congratulations, We weigh the same! I just became normal last month. I am 5'1'. I saw that you are a shorty like me, I don't mind being short it was the being WIDE that I hated!
I know what you mean about the fat jokes. I would never wear yellow before I lost weight, I thought someone would mistake me for a school bus. It is so hard not to see myself as fat. I know you know what I mean. But thats it, we are normal and no more fat jokes. Ok.
You Take Care, Lisa

Hi Marianne,
Sigh. You are just so beautiful. I am talking BEAUTIFUL, not just, "looks good after WLS beautiful". I am talking straight up GORGEOUS. You really are. How is it possible that you are even prettier as the days go by? Sounds cliche, but truly, you are just beautiful.
You were striking before surgery but now you are just amazing looking. You should really consider modeling. And I am serious when I say that.
I know I tell you all the time, but you are so, so pretty!!!! Such a smile! You are positively glowing, too. Your hubby must be happy to show you off!
Congrats on achieving your goal, Marianne. I am so happy for you! I remember talking with you earlier in our journies and we were both stressing that we wouldn't hit goal. Look at us now!! WOOHOO!!! I am so happy for you, you gorgeous thing!!!!
How are you doing with food tolerence? Is there anything you can not handle? I am lactose intolerent now, so that sucks, but I am working around it. I lived on yogurt before and suddenly BAM, made me sick. But it is a small price to pay! I still battle with my ulcer and heart burn, but again, small price to pay. Have you had any health issues at all?
Keep in touch!
120 lbs!!! YEAH!!
8 pounds under goal!!!!
highest/day of surgery/current/goal