How I spent my WLS Anniversary.
I had to go see my MD...... I was in so much pain last night and it was still there ( and still is now at 1AM tonight) with the pain I also had cool clammy sweats........ no fun. The pain is to the RIGHT of my belly button and hurts even to have the seatbelt or my underpants waist band on it. I do not have a fever and the vomiting I do not think is related. ( i have ulcers!) I really felt sort of foolish going to the MD but She is off WED and then I found out she will be gone all of next week, and will be doing rounds at the hospital ( no office hours on Thursday!)
I surley thought I had a hernia...... But she said I have scar tissue and adhessions that are causing intestional spasms! She gave me some Valiumn. I took one and feel so jittery on them I can't sleep. THE PAIN IS GONE!
Well I am going to take a hot bath and hope that help. Nothing good on TV.......... Lisa
Thanks Marianne,
What if anything did you and your MD do to help? The Flexerial She gave me helped a little but not much, at least I was able to sleep.
Today it seems as if I am developing a blockage.... ( can't poop
My MD told me to double up on the MOM. Am and PM doses....
I really do not want to end up in an ER this hoilday weekend. OR AT ALL FOR THAT MATTER.
I guess on the flip side.. I have begun to loose weight again!

Well..............I had a blockage 3 times and ended up in ER dehydrated from vomiting and dry heaving (hours upon hours non-stop). The 3rd time my surgeon did surgery to unkink my intestine (scar tissue had kinked it). The only thing that helped my pain was phenergen (sp?) which is for nausea it pretty much calms the stomach like a valuim and morphine to sleep. But honestly nothing took the pain away until I woke up from surgery, I knew the pain was gone as soon as I woke up. They tried to give me something else I can't remember what it was called but it DID NOT help (I was really frustrated). On the flip side yes I lost 10 pounds everytime I was sick. I wish you all the luck.......I was hoping things cleared up for you.......but you don't want to mess with a blockage please go to ER if you begin vomiting or dry heaving because of dehyration. I couldn't keep anything down at all not even water so I needed to be on fluids. I would have to say it is the worst thing I have ever been through.........the gastric bypass was a breeze compared to it. Please keep us updated! You will be in my thoughts.
Geez......I just realized this might scare you to bits. I just wanted to share with you my experience. It doesn't sound like you are that bad off but I wanted to give you a heads up just in case.
5'0 256/132/120

Hi Marianne
I have a medical background so I do know how serious a blockage can be as well as the treatments (surgical) for it. I will go to an ER if I really need to, and I am sure the ON Call MD that works with MY MD can do a great job. I like her and have meet her a few times. I know I can also call my PCP or Gastro. if I need too.
I can drink and I am not vomiting more than once a day. It is when I try to eat solid foods that the pain grows and makes me worry.
For the next few days I am going to do a semi Liguid diet and increase those protien drinks ( YUCK) and add a 1/2 mile at least to my walk. The good thing is that walking DOES seem to help.
I have had IBS and the meds they gave me for that Levisin helped a lot. That controls spams.
I hope you have a great Labour Day weekend.
Thanks for your concerns and imput.
ummmmmmmmmmm I know I posted a responce this AM!
No Marianne, you did not scare me.
I have a medical background so I know how serious a blockage can be. There is no way I will risk the problems of a rupture or infection can bring. I will go to the ER if that is the only option I have. The ER STAFF at this Hospital Haven't a clue! and when I am sick I have very little patientce to educate them. I can contact both my PCP as well as my Gastro. and I also like my MD's associate. I just hate having the problem get critical and want to avoid surgery if I can.
I am going to just be on a semi solid/liquid diet (puddings and custards,) and increase those protien drinks..... (YUCK!) as well as follow with MOM shooters. I can walk and that really helps. Of course those behind me can just follow the trail of Gassssssssssssss!
Thanks for your concers. It helps to have someone that understands how this issue is so different for US. The ER STAFF at this Hospital Haven't a clue! and when I am sick I have very little patientce to educate them.