Congratulations and Happy 1 year anniversary
I hope all of you are as happy with your 1 year results as I am with mine and have met all your goals and expectations, be them weight related or not!
Wishing you all the very best and wanted to say a huge thank you for the immense impact you have all had in my life (and you didn't even know it I bet!) We've all had our questions, our concerns, are silly stories and our important goals and have shared them through and through. THANK YOU FOR THAT. You all made me feel normal in a world that cast me as "abnormal" based on size and weight...Thank you so very much for that. I am happy to report that I met my 1year anniversary goal and weigh 134lbs (my goal was to be 135).
Post your results, your thoughts, your blogs, anything relating to your 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! Wish you all the best and know we're all here for each other.
Take care and happy re-birthday
Norma G.
Start wt: 255 (Height 5'6")
Start size: 22/24
1yr anniversary wt: 134
Size: 9/10
******Total loss (1yr) = 121!
Woo hoo!*******

Hey there Norma
Come join the 
on the thread Susan started ,,,,, T
There is CAKE over there.