PANIC.... is setting in.
Hi Folks.
In a few days my MD is having me start a new med for Diabeties. ( see post under Diabeties Forum,... SYMLIN ANYONE?) The drug sounds like it will help with these last pounds I want to loose.... BUT
In order to take it I have to eat 250 cal per meal and 30 CARBS.
NOW I KNOW this is not a lot of food, and I do not dump BUT I am feeling a panic at just the thought of eating "ALL" of these Cal. and carbs.
I know some of this is OLD ED issues coming up.. but most of today I have been reading lables on the food here at home and trying to come up with a reasonable meal plan that will make this new med safe to use. Sometimes I feel like all I am doing is eating.... now I need to add another level to the WLS requirments.
I will be able to meet with the Nutritionist at my MD's office abd I know she will uinderstnad and do her best to help.
BUT TODAY I am just feeling overwhelemd.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Hey Lisa,
I don't know EXACTLY what you're feeling, but kind of...
I had to start a new "diet" when I found out I was pregnant. My Dr. (OB) sent me to a dietician who has little/no experience with RNY and she told me I need to eat 2400 calories per day! HA!!!!
Anyways, as long as your nutritionist is very familiar with RNY, I'd have to trust her. You might check and see if there's any way you can "build up" to the 30 carbs per meal or if you have to do it right away...
I've heard that the complex carbs (like rice and potatoes) don't cause us to dump as much as the simple carbs (like sugar) because they're a bit harder to breakdown. Maybe they'll have you eating the complex carbs???
Let us know how it goes, and keep your chin up. You're only human and can only do so much!
Lots of love,

Thanks Dawn,
Actually the med was cancelled for me, as the nutritionist and diabetic educater did not think I could meet the diet requirments..... It feels like a double bind! I need something to helo keep the Blood glucose levels at a good range, but all of the other meds cause weight gain... even on a limited diet.
I can imagine your pregant diet needs will also be a challange, but I am sure you can do this and keep both you and your child healthy. I have been impressed with your WLS journey.
When is this child due? PLease make sure you get plenty of FOLIC ACID.... the lack of it can cause Spinal Bifida.
Oh Complex carbs (white bread, rice and such - white foods) cause BGLS to rise fast and cause other problems for a diabetic.
The nutritionist and I will meet and see what can be done but her schedule is so tight it will be a month or so before she can see me. I am lucky that she knows a lot about Both issues, as well as the meds that I am looking at. She also knows my problems with ulcers and other pre-surgical digestive problems so I do trust her.
Thanks for the support. That was a bad night!