HAPPY ANNIVERSARY fellow 8/4's!!!!!
Hi All~
Just wanted to post and say how truly truly grateful I am for this amazing surgery.
I know that God has given us a second chance at life and we are going to succeed this time!
As today is my one year anniversary, I have spent some time reflecting on the plethora of changes that have happened in my life and I am so humbled. We are just so very fortunate to have this wonderful opportunity.
A year ago, I weighed 352 pounds and was sitting on the sidelines of my life. Today, I weigh 191 and am living my life to it's fullest. I pray for everyone who is just beginning this journey and hope that they are as fortunate!!
Let's all take time today to remember where we were just one short year ago today, to pledge to never forget, and to count our many many blessings!
God Bless,
Rachel T.

Hello Rachel,
Happy Anniversary to you also. I try not to think how miserable I was one year ago today, being only a few hours post-op, but it's still better than I felt a year and a day ago still being pre-op. This surgery was the best thing I could have ever done for myself and my daughter. I still have a long road ahead with plastic surgery and all, but It's a road I can travel now without getting winded.
Best of luck to everyone who has made this journey and who will be making it in the future.

I don't post much on here, but I also have an august 4th anniversary!!!!!
I spent about 5 days out of town, getting back to nature with my family.
I tried kayaking for the first time in my life!! I loved it, how peaceful. It was a great week to reflect on my WLS journey and what my life was like beforehand. I am so grateful to my surgeon, to my insurance company for approving me and to the GOOD LORD for seeing me thru...
Continued success to everyone
Sue H.