While we may be a bit kooky,
we are much healthier & that is what we have to try to remember. Personally, I am a year out...I see both old & new me. Am still not 100% fond of having my picture taken. I feel happier, healthier, sexier even. However, I too avoid looking in the mirror w/no clothes.
For me the dunlop disease kicks in @ size 12...you know the belly (rolls) dun lop over da belt disease....I find that those tummy slimmer things @ Victoria Secrets (Walmart too) work real well to help that. It helps with posture too, I sit straighter when i wear it & nope it doesn't hurt. What I miss the most are my breasts, I really would like to know where they ran off to!
Good luck, take care of you, & remember YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL...we all are, it just isn't easy to remember.

I tell my friends the very same thing all the time. It is a mental thing. But I have learned to look at who I am today, and know that I am not the same as I was 130 pounds ago. There is no way I am the same size. I will always be a big girl in my head, and able to relate to the struggles we have in society. BUT, I thank God for being a size 10-12 and not having all of the probems I had. So here is what I do. I look at myself in the mirror every day when I get out of the shower, and then when I put on my clothes, I take another look and I give myself affirmation that I do not look the same as 130 pounds ago.
I think we have seen ourselves large for so long, that we have becom used to that picture.