Out of control eating.....
Hey Judy,
I know during different times of the month I have problems with cravings like I always did. The difference is that now I know it's just a mental thing. Somtimes I give in to the cravings, but just a little. Other times I tell myself I must be bored or something and I deny myself. It's difficult mostly when there's the tempting stuff right in front of you. I'm definitely NOT perfect, but I try to remind myself of how I used to promise myself that if I could just get the weight off, I'd never go back to being fat again... I probably remind myself of that at least once a day. If you're bored, try doing some sit-ups or push-ups or something. I sometimes will get on the floor and try to do some of my pilates moves... doesn't work at birthday parties, etc, but it does when I'm at home/work.
Anyways, know you're not alone... we'll all be battling this for the rest of our lives... it's just how we handle it now, at the earlier stage that will determine if we're able to keep it off or are doomed to go back to our old ways. Everything in moderation, and remember, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. You look beautiful by the way!
Lots of love,
Boy do I know where you're coming from. I too have been battling the desire to compulsively eat. It seems that I am hungry ALL the time and I could eat eat eat all day long (snacking & grazing) if I allowed myself to. In fact, when I have allowed myself, I get smacked with a 3-5 lb. weight gain within the next day or two. I seem to be bouncing up and down with the same 5 lbs. and going through cycles of binge eating on the wrong things and doing damage control. I never knew I would be struggling THIS hard to maintain my weight loss. But I am absolutely terrified of gaining my weight back. Which is why I weigh myself everyday, to keep on eye on what I'm doing. When I get close to a 5 lb. gain I go back to basics with the protein and severely limit the carbs. But, I'm finding it hard to get rid of the "bad" carbs from my life completely. I was always a carb addict. Once I let those bad carbs in, it's soooo hard to stop the cycle. However, these past 3 days, I have been able to get things under control and get off the bad carbs. I still eat carbs- but just whole grains, veggies, and minimal fruit. I dropped 3 of the 5 lbs. that I gained. It's very frustrating but it makes me realize that I will always have to battle the food demons and I better get used to it if I want to continue to win this fight! Like you said- I too enjoy being thin(ner) and I still (ultimately) want to lose another 14 lbs!
lap rny 07/28/04
arms 06/14/05
TT 08/25/05
Judy I too have the same battle some weeks are worse than others.
on a bad day the first thing in the morn I will make my protien drink-my soy milk proiten drink (i like the pina calodia) with lots of ice and a tables spoon of flax seed in the blender till I have a neet drink and it takes me literley hrs some times to drink it all. and that will fill me for a long time and kicks those carbs right out. Now big fall back is blue bunny free ice cream.
lets keep supporting each other and never get dischourged.
rny open

Judy i've noticed lately i've been doing the same thing. I find myself eating all day, all kinds of junk I don't need and I don't even know why i'm eating it. Today I started writing down everything I ate and it made me reconsider the doritos and Dr.Pepper I was thinking of eating. Maybe i'll try this for awhile and see if I can get back with the program. Good luck, we can do this!
Your new pic looks great.. I know what you are talking about.. I too am having the same problem.. Some days I worry that something is wrong, because it seems like I can just eat anything in site.. It could be because you are not working.. I found that my problems started when school was out for the summer... I dont have to work and my days are not structured. I seemed to do alot better when I didnt have as much time on my hands.. I got my water in and my protein in and didnt graze all day long... Thankfully work will start up again in less than a month.. Hopefully you will go back to work soon.. that should help...
Hi Judy, You are not alone! I have days where all I want to do is eat. I just try to pick things that are good for me. I feel like something deep inside me doesn't think I deserve to be healthy and slim and tells me to eat, eat, eat!!! But I am not going to be fat again. I just tell that little fat voice to shut up! Always remember nothing taste as good as you feel about yourself right now. Everytime you start to eat something say to yourself is this worth it? Thats what I am trying to do. Email me anytime, we can support each other in this great journey. Lisa email me from my profile.