My Update- New Tests!!
Happy Memorial Day to you all,
I wanted to just fill you all in on my issues.
I completed the 4 hour upper GI and Intestine test, and consulted Dr. Steinberg on Wednesday. He told me all the things it was not, but did say that the tests differed from my post op upper Gi series. He can not define what the difference is . He indicated that I need to see Dr. Stern, a colleague that is familiar with Gastric Bypass patients for an endoscope procedure.
He proceeded to pull out his Blackberry and call Dr. Stern, which he told me he had all his direct numbers. He told me he would contact him and sent me to the check out desk where they gave me a referral and told me to call to make an appt. I am to see Dr. Steinberg back on 6/22. The fact that he called him directly while I was in the office worried me.
I called Dr. Sterns office which said the first New patient opening was 7/18. They then called me back the following day, to tell me I have an 10:30 appt tomorrow morning.
Needless to say, I am a tad bit worried. I have my consult tomorrow, and then I am sure the procedure scheduled. I am not worried about the procedure itself, since I did that awake in ICU. I am mostly nervous that there is something really wrong in my pouch, which would require another surgery.
I don't know about you all, but the bypass in August was enough, followed by the emergency surgery in December...the thought of another one just has me sick.
However, I feel kind of relieved to know I am not a hypocondriac, and that there is a reason for all the vomitting, and inability to eat. My weight loss has come to a screeching hault, and I am depressed about that. I did not go through all of this to be stopped at 97 lbs. I am just praying that they find the issue, resolve it, and I can continue on the path to weight loss. My anniversary is coming up in August, and I want very much to have an additional 30-40 lbs off my then.
Anyway, just keeping you all posted.

Hi Denise
Im sorry that you are going through so much at this time. Please know that I will hold you in my prayers for a speedy recovery. I can sympathize with you on the fact of not feeling well all the time. I have been going through myself with problems that I have not had before surgery and my MD cant still pin point whats happening. My weight loss has haulted and I am just misable that I went through this for nothing. My prayers will be with you for continued success.
I am sorry you going though this. Please keep us posted on your results. I will be praying for you.
I too had a major complicatio and had to have emergency surgery and almost died from my sromach rupturing, and causing me to get peritonitis in March. I had delveoped an ulcer at one of my incisions, and had been being treated for it, but it still rupturded.
My weight lose has also stopped for the past 2 months just about. But today I am joining a gym to try and get the weigth losss going again. So far I have lost only 80 pounds, and when I see how well most of the others here have done, it depresses me a little.
Hey Denise.... not sure if you have had your procedures done... I am just now getting on here... still dont have internet at the new house... this has been the move from hell... but I love the new house....
Let me know what the doctor says....
You know I keep you in my prayers.... and think about you often....
227/205/135/120 goal (almost there)