I want to eat all the time
In the last month or so, I have to confess that I want to eat a lot. I'm not saying I'm hungry, because I'm not, really. Even after I have eaten a meal, I find myself daydreaming about food. I am snacking a lot more at work. I really crave something sweet, and then eating that makes me crave something salty or crunchy. If I eat a meal, then I still only eat about a cup or so of food, but I find myself snacking more and more because I want to eat all the time. I know it's not physical hunger, but I always feel like I'm missing out on something delicious. Sometimes I'll think "well, I deserve to go to the store and get such and such," even though I eat a variety of foods. Does anyone have any tips or tricks to combat this?

No Help here just wanted to let ya know your not alone! I also have been having a problem but this week i'm trying really hard not to give in! Figures my work(at a school) is having a bake sale all week long to benefit the prom! No i willnot break!! Of course everyone in my class will though and of course they have to offer it to me!!!!!!
I did take a cookie yesterday but saved it for my niece, but believe me and you it was calling my name bad!!!!!!!
but made her eat it as soon as she got in the car!!!!!!!!! i had to
with her cause she wanted my cheese stick instead!!!!!!!
anyway keep trying thats all i do Denice

i found myself snacking on popcorn, because i craved the saltiness. Sure enough, craved something sweet later on. What the heck is going on?! We must fight it with all our might!
But seriously, i hear ya, i'm the same way. I went to the market and bought honey roasted cashews, popcorn, and just crap that I never really craved before, nor had. I gave all my snacks to my coworker, let him gain the weight, he's skinny as heck! LOL. Down as much water as possible, have protein drinks to curve the appetite and indulge very seldomly. It seems we are all going through this whole new situation, just gotta keep our heads above water and drink that darn water while we're at it!
I usually have a 2-3lb loss and this week i gained 2lbs. I had not gained any weight since this surgery, and sure enough, did this week. I'm so disappointed but just realize i gotta do something about it asap.

You are definately not alone in this. I swear I hit 9 months and wanted to eat everything in sight. I've asked some of my friends who are further out than me and they all said they went through the same thing around the same time. They also told me that it passes...so...just do your best...that's what I'm doing.
Hey Andrew,
Yeah, I wish I had some advice but I'm in the same boat as you (and I feel this boat's about to sink from my fat-a$$!). I don't know why I've been snacking lately either, but it seems like everyone else is going thru this right now, too. I actually pulled off the freeway to go to a gas station and buy snacks the other day.... WTF??? I wasn't even really that hungry, more like bored. I know someone else said this, but I also heard if you're dehydrated sometimes your body tricks you into thinking you're hungry... and since we can't eat/drink at the same time, maybe we should just start drinking A LOT MORE!!!!!!! I think I'll give it a shot and see if it helps... something's got to! I was thinking it was b/c I was PMS or something, but I know you can't be and I doubt all of these other girls are at the same time as me, so it must be something more! If you figure out what helps-- LET US KNOW, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lots of love,
on 5/19/05 4:32 am - Temple, TX
on 5/19/05 4:32 am - Temple, TX
Another trick I heard was if you are craving something specific, to put it out for your next meal. That way instead of snacking on it, it becomes part of your meal and you are not depriving yourself of whatever it is. That is one of the things I have been trying because I am wanting to eat all the time as well. Susan
I want to snack more too, I think it is because we see that we can eat more and out minds say go ahead and do it, like it always has done. Just try to pick healty snacks. I pour my crystal light or sugar free kool-aid over my snow cone ice and eat it with a spoon, it is great. Or have a sugar free popcicle. Or I also snack on frozen fruit. Peaches, strawberries etc. Good Luck to us all. We have all got to keep this boat afloat! Together we can

Hi everyone ~
I'm only just now seeing this post from May 17th, but it really hits home. I, too, have been struggling with wanting to eat the wrong things and wanting to graze. I could nibble on things all day long. It's scary so I'm relieved to know that many of us August babies are struggling with this as well. Maybe something about the 9-10 month anniversary??