8/30 - weigh-in
I'm worried about not getting to goal too. My monthly weightloss has slowed down, but still going. I've tried sticking to my water and slipping in a protein drink every blue moon to keep things going, and thus far i've been doing okay. I haven't really plateaud, just instead of 3lbs a week, i usually lose 2. It's also the paranoid part in all of us, the operation (or our 9months after that) didn't get rid of that
Just no sabotaging ourselves and keeping a close eye on what we eat and how much exercise we do. I've started taking a stroll during my lunch hour to at least get SOME exercise.
Hi Norma,
I haven't posted in a while so I thought I should check in. I'm glad I did. I am having some problems with eating (as in all the time). I promised myself and my docs that when I started this if I got to a point I needed help I would ask for it. So this week I asked. Afterall, the surgery was on my stomach not my head. I have been overweight most of my life and I need to make some mental changes. I see the physc. the first of the month. ...Weight loss has slowed to 1-3 lbs/week. No loss in the past two weeks.
Weight: 260
Loss thus far: 96
Goal: 180
On a positive note: All my labs are normal. Something I thought I would never hear again. I exercise 4-5 times a week and have for the last 3 years (habit).
Until the next time,
Pat B.
Hay Pat and everyone else.
You all seem to be doing a GREAT JOB!
I am loosing about 2 pounds a month not a week! for a total of 59 so far. that is still 45 from goal. My MD told me that I will probably stop loosing weight and that only a few actually make the "goal weight loss" and that a 60 -- 80 % loss is considerd a success.
Someone said they are afraid of drinking more water because of bloating.. it is actually the other way around esp. as summer comes. staying hydrated helps flush out our bodies.
Norma... I started seeing a Shrink as well. I am so frustrated with the changes INSIDE this body. It feels alien.... pain ( daily from ulcer) sagging skin.... noisey gassy pouch..... a pulsating belly button ( caause I am thinner they (MD) say and Smile of course that was AFTER they thought anyourisism) I am also feeling ovewhelemed making food choises ..so many foods cause pain with the ulcer....other that take good are high calorie..... It also seems that so much of my day is about food.....what and when to eat. Ina agroup I go to another lady also talked about this anxiety with food, and hating our fridges.
At 6 months out I had thought I would be seeing the light at the end of this tunnell..... but now as the 9th month passes and they are talking about a third surgery..... Hoping at the one year mark I will come back here and read this and smile.
HANG in there. WE can get through this. Please be honest with your therapist. That is the only way he/she will be able to help