8/30 progress report + fyi
Monday again...your date with the scale
Current: 153
Loss this wk: -2
Loss thus far: 102
What's a quick, convenient (or not) meal/snack that you discovered or live off of? or, food you order at a fast food / restaurant that you love now that you're 8months out ? Do share
Mine: I'm a taco bell junkie...lol. I can have 1.5-2 crunchy tacos and that's thanksgiving dinner feeling for me (usually leave a few bites behind, if I catch myself to avoid getting too full); yoshinoya chicken bowl, very little rice; sashimi or the sushi rolls where the fresh fish sits on a lump of rice -- don't know the name (or have a sushi roll and take the layer of rice); hot and sour soup! lol...miso soup, but definitely my crunchy taco from taco bell. Just discovered Wendy's chili (smal size, no finger joke please! lol) and like that too...

Norma...two progress reports in a few days????
This is the one I posted on your other report of a few days ago.
Hi Norma.....your not the only one who has been away from the board, I am guilty as charged! Seems like we are more active between the "NEW" us and the weather getting better.
As of today, I have lost 100 pounds and 97 inches. I know many of you have lost more than me, and were lighter to start, BUT, I am slow and steady. I have not hit a plateau as of yet, and that in itself says alot about how I am shedding the weight. Seems like my body likes what I am doing, and rewards me by not plateauing...lol
I am amazed at how good I feel. I want to do things, I want to be a part of things, I want to live again, and I am!
Have a great day!
300/200/160 ...
You are doing an awesome job!
current weight: 156
loss this week: 1 lb.
total loss: 100lbs.
I also enjoy taco bell and get the crunchy taco. I looked up the nutritional info and they really aren't that bad for you believe it or not the soft taco has more calories I would think the opposite. I also love popeye's naked chicken strips. I am Marylander and love steamed crabs (lots of protein). I like the south beach protein bars but try to only eat half because I think the carbs are a little high, but I do enjoy them. I am still doing my Low Carb Carnation Instant Breakfast w/ ff carb countdown milk every morning. I think I really need to start chewing breakfast but food doesn't sit well with me in the morning. And of course my string cheese for snacks. I pretty much do 3 small meals a day and 2 snacks. I seem to do better on week-days because of my work schedule I am more routine. Week-ends are a little harder either I eat to much or not enough. Well take care and keep up the great work. I think we are doing great for our starting weight being a little on the lighter side. Thanks for posting the progress report I think it would be great to do a weekly thing.
256/156/140-goal 120-dream

I am at a plateau. I have been 265 for 3 weeks now. Lately one of my favorite things to eat is Lunchables. I can eat the whole thing. I also like to order nachos from Taco Bell. Or a fish or chicken sandwich from Micky Ds without the bun. I have also eaten a cheeseburger without the top bun.
Lap RNY 8/31/04