8/16ers - 37 week check in
Here we go again...back up AGAIN!!! I'm up 7 lbs from last week, I really don't know what is going on with me...I'm starting to wonder if when my inches drop, my weight goes up...could that be possible...cause everyone tells me I look smaller than I did last week. I do know I'm retaining water, and should be taking my water pill everyday, but I don't want to do that because it is also a blood pressure medication, and my blood pressure is just fine...maybe I should take it everyday for a week or so and see what happens...
Anyway...how did the rest of you do? I hope better than me.
-101 lbs

Ahhh....to be 180...I'd be at goal....I still have over 70 lbs to go to get there!
If I have another day like today, I'll get to 180 quickly...I've been sick all day...diarrhea, nausea, can't eat....I had chicken noodle soup and saltines for lunch, and that is all I've eaten today...had a bottle of crystal light too...I just can't get myself to get anything else in. Thank goodness I leave for the day from work in 10 minutes.
Have a good one!!
Hi Judy:
As long as you are still retaining water you will go up a little when the water is bad, if you don't want to take the pill due to it being blood pressure medication you may want to ask you doctor about Lasix or a similar water pill that deals only with the water. I had the same problem but as the weight goes down it will eventually go away at least mine did. I am nine months post op and went from 250 to 167 when I saw the doctor Tuesday even though I am still 17 pounds from goal weight per him he was so pleased with how well I have done health wise that he released me. I have lost from size 26 to some 10 mostly 12's. Keep a positive outlook it will get better.
Started at 284
Weigh 177 as of this morning...for the past month or so, it's been varying between 175-180! Not just from day to day but throughout the day too.
As of right now, I have lost 107 lbs and I have 27 lbs till goal.
I have been eating horribly lately though and I am surprised I haven't gained weight! Yesterday morning the scale said 180 but I ate horribly yesterday AND it's that time of the month! Oh well, always a new day to start afresh