Flabby Arms---Help!
As I have lost weight, I am surprised at how resilient my skin has been. I am a slow looser, so my skin has had time to "catch up" and shrink with the rest of my body. There are only a few places on my body where the skin seems extra loose, and I think I can live with this for now.
But my arms......oh heavens! They are horrible!
I would absolutely love to wear all the little sleeveless sheath dresses and tank tops this summer, but I don't think I ever will! All this (upper arm) sag is so sad to look at, and I will forever be self conscience of it.
I have tried exercising extra hard in this area since last fall to avoid this problem, but nothing seems to work. Free weights. Stretches. Nothing helps.
Does anyone else have this problem or maybe you don't have this problem because of something you're doing right. Any suggestions are appreciated!
Bat wings are not pretty! (Unless they're on an actual bat!)

I too have the bat wings. However, I'm fortunate enough to not care what others think (so many are self-conscience and I do recognize that) and have actually purchased 2 sleeveless tops for the summer as well as 3 sleeveless dresses.
I hope someone has some ideas though. I wouldn't mind getting rid of the bat wings! I'm just not going to let the possible opinions of others influence my summer wardrobe.
I have what I call a "bicep butt"!
There is a line between my upper part of my bicep where it overlaps the lower part of my bicep. Therefore creating a sideways "butt" effect.
The only suggestion I have is use lots of moisterizer. If that doesn't help... it looks like plastic surgery.
As for the sleeveless stuff, I will be a little self conscious, but I am trying to get over that. I bought a few tank tops anyway. And I have a georgeous sleeveless dress that someone gave me that I will wear to my birthday dinner in 2 weeks. I do have a shawl to go around me, though.

I am right there with you. My arms are very flabby and still huge, but you know what, I have been self conscious about this my whole life and my new mentality is if you don't like it don't look (And I do catch some people staring at them, I also have stretch marks). Mind you I'm not going to wear some slinky spaghetti straps but I will wear short sleeves or sleeveless. I have this video for great arms where you can use weights and follow along but I have yet to try this. I think I will start soon to see if it helps at all. Just remember we are our worst critics and nothing is as bad as we think. Good Luck!
256/157/140-goal 120-dream

Hi Marianne ! Your right i started thnking the same way ,not to worry what others think, my arms are still a bit flabby , but when i first had the surgery i ended up on crutches for 3 6 months so my arms tightened up alot better than normal because they had to be used alot . I had my surgery August 31st.My knee went out Sept.15th and i couldn't have replacement till Dec.7th.Then i had complications where they weren't sure what was wrong it swelled 2 times as large as the other leg i gained 15 pounds i was so depressed. I was put on anti biotics and it started getting better . But all that time i had to pump alot of weight around because when i left the hospital Aug.31 st. i weighed 327lbs. So anyway maybe the weights would work.I say i don't care what people think but in away i guess i do but my arms i don't care but my legs Well i will not get in shorts unless i wore nylons well then you might as well wear long pants.What can i say. But i am happy i am down to 197 the lowest in years i still have 55 lbs to go but i feel GOOD ! I never regret this surgery i just wish i could tell everyone with a weight problem to do it ! Well gotta go Vicki from Washington.