33 weeks post LAB results driving me crazy
Hi All ....
It seems that since I had the GBP I have become sicker. Lab work is all over the place. one week the Pot. and Mag levels are low... then they are fine. Vitiamins levels are all good, but homocystine levels are elevated. Even my thryoid levels are jumping around.
My MD is stuck as the lab reports have not been normal since day one. This is all so frustrating. I also have a nasty ulcer that refuces to heal and just today the MD said she thinks I have a hernia.
My weight loss has been slow about 53 pounds total, size 18 to a tight but comfortable 8 ..
still have 55 to go. ( to my MD set goal)
I follow the rules for eating but still vomit more than I should and the PAIN from the ulcer makes me afaid to eat.
Despite all of this I feel good. Except for when it is time to eat.
I guess I just needed to vent.......
I'd like to hear how other 8/30's are doing?
Thanks Lisa
Hey Lisa,
Sorry to hear things aren't going so well. I wonder why your labs are all crazy... I wonder if they can maybe give you injections monthly instead of oral... like maybe your ulcer is blocking absorption of vitamins/minerals. At least if they gave you a shot, it would get into your system. I know a lot of vitamins/minerals are needed to repair the body, especially from your ulcer. Keep us informed so we know how you're doing... we're all worried!
Lots of love,
Hi Dawn...
The ulcer is on the surgical line....... of the anastiomossis (?) it looks nasty and is showing no signs of healing. I take three different meds for it. Thanks for the information about maybe the ulcer is keeping the vit. fro getting asorbed , or maybe the meds I take for it. I wil ask the MD when I see him next week.
I also had an ulcer about 2 months ago, my Doc felt was stress related. The pain was horrible and it was also bleeding. I felt weak and vomitted alot. I was prescribed PREVACID. What a wonderful drug that was. I stopped bleeding within 2 days and the pain subsided within a week. I have not vomitted since. Good Luck. Cyndee