Hi! I also have been experiencing this. It seems to only happen when I go from a seated to standing position, but it seems to happen almost once a day. I am concerned that I may pass out. It is a little frightening.
I am wondering if it happens when our blood sugar gets low, or if it is a blood pressure related thing....
I hope someone knows, no one else seems real concerned about it!
I posted a reply the other day but it didn't show. I talked with my doctor about it and they said that it was a dehydration thing. I thought it was a bp thing. It happened today and for the first time I bit the floor. So I have been drinking water like mad today. Its only 1 and I have my 64 oz in, gonna keep going to see if it helps. Seems worse around my cycle, which I wish would show up. LOL! Praise God my tubes are tied. And my drive is GONE!
Hi there
I have also noticed this happening, like someone else said, just when I'm sitting and I stand up quickly. It happened all the time right after surgery but it got better but it has started again in the past couple of months. I sometimes get lightheaded when I first get out of bed in the morning. It is scary, I've never passed out before and I don't want to start now! I like this advice about the dehydration thing, I need to be getting in more fluids anyway so this will give me even more reason to get my butt in gear

I asked my surgeon about the very same thing and she said it is 100% normal and is an adjustment thing that our bodies are going through that the blood rushes so much faster through the veins and to be more careful so that we don't lose our balace because I was quite worried but she reasured me it was normal and also to make sure that I keep up with the water but that it is unavoidable to happen.
YES! And I think everyone else is right... it's got to do with getting enough water in... I remember a few weeks after surgery I had problems with this and increased my water intake and it went away. Now I'm having the same problem again. I think as long as I drink more water (especially now since I work out a lot more) it should go away. Try it and see if it helps!