New..Need an Email Buddy
Hello Everyone,
I am new to the group. I have looked at this website briefly before but this is the first time I have posted. I had Lap RNY surgery in Charlotte, NC in August 2004. I am 7 months post-op and down 110 lbs. I still have 90 lbs to get to my goal. I am feeling good and so glad I did this. This is the best thing I have ever done.
I am looking for an email buddy. I would love to find someone that is at least 7 months out or longer. I want to chat about problems and personal struggles I have. Also, I would like to help the person in return. I am looking for someone to become friends with and chat. If you are interested please email me.
This seems like a great website and I am go glad I found it.
Thank you,
Hi Elizabeth... this is my second surgery and I am so glad I did this... I am down to 145 as of this morning....
Please feel free to email me... my first surgery was 6 years ago and my second was on 8/3/04... so I have a lot of experience...
Welcome to the board.. there are really great and supportive people on this board.. also try your state board.. I know the Texas board is VERY supportive... plus we have get togethers once a month and people post their support group meetins which are really important to get involved wiht
227/205/145/120 goal

Hi Elizabeth!
That's awesome you're doing so well... I'm jealous! I'm down 93 pounds, but these last few weeks the weight is REALLY hanging on. If you'd like to write to me, I'd be happy to talk about problems, etc... I kind of need someone who's been through this, too. I had my surgery on 08/03/2004. My email is [email protected]. I live in Marysville, CA. Drop a line sometime!
Hi Smile Nc
I am Also looking for an email buddy . I had my RNY on August 2, 04 and have lost 130 lbs so farbut have 110 lbs to go. I am hooked up on Yahoo messenger if you would like to go that way also but email is fine also . I need some to chat with also and you sound like a great person.
So if you want to send me a line @ crazylady 1632003
:wave : Mary C