Snack Challenge--Time to Report!
Okay, did anyone take up the weekend snack challenge? On Friday, I suggested that anyone who's interested find a new snack or meal and try it over the weekend and report back to the group. It just had to be something new to YOU. The idea was to encourage those of us who get stuck in food ruts to be adventurous.
Did anyone else try a new WLS-friendly food this weekend (or anytime recently)? If so, please tell us what it is, how you liked it, and where we can find it if it's good.
I'll post mine below.

I tried Nancy's brand Quiche entrees. I'm always looking for a quick, easy, high-protein lunch or snack item. I tried Quiche Lorraine and ate about half of it. Half of the 6 oz quiche has 240 calories, 15g fat, 17g carbs, 3g sugars, and 11g protein. Decent protein payoff, but high in fat and carbs. I suppose one could leave the crust behind to cut back the carbs. Personally, I don't worry about it too much as long as I'm getting protein at the same time.
Anyway, I know quiche was not particularly "adventurous" for me because I was already a fan. But this was a new product to me, and I think it will make a good quick meal or snack every once in awhile. It tasted good--not fantastic, but good. I got it at HEB (Texas grocery store) in the freezer section. They had Cheese Trio Quiche and Quiche Lorraine in the entree sizes.
Well as long as I can remember I've always gotten the same thing at Subway (Club) but when I went on Saturday I decided to try something new so I got the Chicken Bacon Ranch Wrap. Yummy!! It was soooo good!
Not sure how WLS friendly it was, well it has 440 total calories, 9 Net Grams of Carbs, and 41 grams of Protein. Of course I only ate about a 1/3rd of it but it was really good. I'm interested to see what everyone else tried.

I went to an amusement park on Saturday. Well, as you can guess, amusement parks are places that are hard to find WLS friendly food. So we went to this German restaurant and I got some bratwurst, saurkraut, red cabbage, and German potato salad. I ate an entire sausage (about 1/3 of a cup), a few bites of saurkraut, one bite of the red cabbage, and two bites of the warm potato salad. I didn't eat the roll that came with the meal, though. It all went down really well. I even had three bites of my husband's chocolate pudding. I had to talk him out of the HUGE chocolate cake because I wouldn't be able to try any, and he needs to lose weight, too! LOL!!!
I also bought a bottle of water and used a "On-The-Go Crystal Light" packet for the first time. That was a great investment. And I bought a bottle strap for $2 that I can use to tote my water with me everywhere I go because I need to drink more.
I've always been more of a chip eater than sweet eater. I tried Quaker Soy Crisps. They are really good! Here is the nutrition breakdown:
BBQ flavor (1 oz):
110 cal
4g fat
6g protein
4 g sugar
White cheddar (1 oz):
120 cal
4.5g fat
7 g protein
3 g sugar
Nice snack when you have the munchies and they have protein!
Great job, guys! You really rose to the challenge.
I sent the same challenge to my state board and only got about two replies back. I got some good ideas from this and hope others did as well.
The challenge doesn't have to be over, though, so feel free to add more if you have 'em!
still -97

Okay, well this isn't a snack, but I thought I'd share my experience from last night.
My hubby and I had a meeting to go to so he called me before I left work and said to stay in the SUV when I get home and we'll go out to eat before our meeting. So we went to Applebee's. I had salad for lunch so I didn't want to get my usual Santa Fe salad for dinner. I decided I wanted red meat, so I got the small order of riblets. WRONG!!! I yakked for 30 minutes after we left.
I felt horrible! And we missed our meeting.
So no more high fat meats for me!!!

Oh, Amber, I'm so sorry that happened to you! How miserable.
I must have a high tolerance for fat (unfortunately) because I haven't had any problems with high fat foods yet. I got a half-rack of babyback ribs at Chili's a couple of weeks ago and they were great! I had no bad reaction. Are babybacks not as high in fat as regular ribs perhaps?
Anyway, lesson learned I guess. Sorry your new food experience was an icky one. Thanks for the warning, though--I'll be more cautious in the future, just in case.