I try to hit the gym every morning (atleast 5 days a week) and do 30 minutes on the stair stepper and 20 minutes on the treadmill. Notice I say try, I don't always make 5 days a week but my day goes so much better when I do. I have more energy, I am not as lazy and it helps me to eat better because I don't want to ruin the work I have done! Susie
Hi Tammy... I try to go to the gym at least 3 times a week if not more.... I do 15 minutes on the elliptical... cant do much more than that... feels like I am having heart attack... and then I do about 45 minutes on the weights... and 15 minutes in the wet sauna.... when I do the wet sauna I sweat more than when I work out...
I exercise 5-6 days a week. I do 30 minutes of cardio (usually split it between bike and elipitcal machines), then I alternate lifitng weights, one day is back chest arms, next day is legs and lower body. I also bought a Taebo video yesterday that is for abs/butt and OH MY!! It was hard but felt good.
If I signed up at a gym, I would never get there. Instead I exercise 6 days a week for 45+ minutes a day using exercise tapes. Leslie Sansone, Walk away the pounds is a great series. I started out with the 1 mile walk (right after surgery), now I'm up to the 4 mile, I also alternate with abs training tapes, and other aerobic tapes. Takes a great deal of commitment, but really makes you feel so much better. Good luck!