HELP! 6mos and I am losing more hair than weight!
Ok does everyone lose their hair? I have to clean my shower drain everyday! its discusting. I have always had wonderful hair and now it is getting so thin, it is scaring my to death! I am 150lbs down now in 6months but my hair is falling out like there is no tomorrow. I am taking biotin and uping my protein and using more hair products than I ever have in my life. please someone tell me it will stop and when or if there is something else I can do.

I spoke to my endocrinologist about this and he assured me of 2 things... it IS normal, and it WILL stop. He also told me something i found inteseresting... he said that whereas the protein and such doesn't hurt, the body is reacting to signficant weight loss, not the protein intake. He said there is very little you can do to stop or slow the process, as your body is just readjusting itself to what is going on.
Now all of this is fine and dandy, since he has a full head of hair!
lol try not to concern your self TOO much... someone found an interesting link about this in an older post on this board... i will try to find it, but look for it as it tells you that this process should only last for about 100 days!
Good luck

Here is that article... hope it helps
First of all congrats on the 150 lb. loss!! That is amazing! Secondly I'm losing hair also. I knew it was coming but it still hard to accept once it starts happening. When I went for my 3 month check-up they asked if I was experiencing any hair loss and at that point I hadn't lost any. Well I'll have you know that it started the very next day! I think they jinxed me!
So it's been going on for about 3 months now but I've already noticed a decrease. And I honestly think I'm the only one who can tell, so try not to worry about it even though I know that's hard to do. FYI my doctor (I know they're all different) told me that there is nothing you can do to help it. He said it's not a protein or vitamin deficiency but a Caloric deficiency and therefore can't be helped w/ vitamins or shampoo (although that might the hair that grows back more healthy). Anyway just wanted you to know you're not alone!! And I don't know about you but I'll take some hair loss for the new life we're gaining!!