Husband driving me crazy!
Hi everyone, my husband had open RNY on August 16th. He has done great so far, he has lost 165 pounds. Any normal person would be happy but not him. He has been stuck at the same weight for a week and is
driving me crazy. He is on the scales every five minutes. I tried to hide them but he throws a fit if I don't let him weigh himself everyday. I keep trying to tell him that he will lose more weight but he just carries on so. It has gotten to the point where I will refuse to talk to him about his weight. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Hi - I am answering under my husbands name. My name is Jan and I had bari surgery 10/13/03 , he had it 08/09/04. I was the same way, so he doesnt talk much about his weight loss. I however was on the scale constantly and still am even though I have pretty much leveled out. Once he levels out at the end after a while it wont be that big of a deal, however, all I can say, is I know it gets old, but we're excited and thats a tremedous amount of weight to loose. Stick it out, love him anyways, it will eventually subside.
Is he like the guy in that commercial that weighs in at the gym....then stretches his arms and puts on his headphones and runs around the gym one time and then steps back on the scale.....only to see the same weight? (sigh) It's a hoot to see that commercial, but like you....I think in reality it would drive me crazy too!
Is this his first big plateau since WLS? I've had plateaus that have lasted almost a month! If he can stay off the scales for a few days, it will ease his mind. At this point, it's more in his head than anywhere else!
Remind long as he's losing inches.......his body is still losing. The weight will just have to "catch up" again, and eventually, it will come off. All us girls know this!
Good luck!
My Lord, I had surgery August 31st and have only lost 60lbs. Dang 165 is great, I was 218 when I had surgery. So I had a lower starting weight than some. Everyone has times when they get stuck. My Dr. said that the slower you lose the better, cause your skin has a chance to tighten some. And I have heard you will keep it off better also. If it was my husband I would knock him in the head and say wake up! You are doing great. I have found out that I feel better if I weigh just once a week. I see better results. People that get mad cause they don't lose a pound everyday after this surgery really make me ill. Alot of people would love to be like us and be blessed with having the surgery and doing so well. Alot haven't been so lucky. He needs to think of just how blessed he is. Good Luck and God Bless your Family.
My husband had lap RNY in July 04 and has lost over 100 lbs. He too was on the scale ALL the time. Don't try and fight it - let him get on the scale. Just listen and try to give any advice. I emphasized his clothes more than anything. The way your clothes fit and how you feel is important.
Don't stop talking about the weight. Losing 165 lbs is a huge success. It is hard for an overweight person to find that they are not so overweight any more.
I myself am trying to have surgery. Fighting insurance right now. I am sure I will be the same way as my husband.
A lot of people get "stuck" but it gets exciting once it starts to fall of again
My husband has about 10 more lbs to go!
Good luck!