Anyone craving carbonation?
Hello to all my August friends! Hope everyone is having a good humpday
Well I went for my 6 month check-up yesterday, and by the way I've lost 106 lbs
but I asked the dr. about carbonation. She said they did suggest that I stay away from it. I told her I had been craving it and she said that lots of people that tell her that and then try it say that it either hurts or it doesn't taste the way they remember so then they don't want it anymore. So my question, have any of you tried it yet? See, I'm a big fraidy cat and I'm so worried that it's going to hurt I haven't tried it. But sometimes I would really like to try a diet coke, is that bad? I just want to know if anyone has tried and how worked out for you

I used to be the diet coke diva pre WLS- in fact that was all I would drink basically! I tried it after four months or so and it tasted awful! But of course, I thought that the diet coke was bad...not my tastes. So I tried it again and again. I have noticed that I have a hard time with soda fountain drinks, they have way too much carbonation. I will drink a can soda every now and then....about once a month, I just can't drink it too fast or I will burp like crazy! I am not sure if it is bad or not...there are so many different things you hear and see on the board...but atleast it is not 6 a day like I used to drink! Now water is my drink and a diet cherry vanilla coke is a real treat. Susie
I haven't had any problems drinking Diet Coke in a little over a month. I don't drink as many as I used to, and it takes me longer to drink a whole one than it used to.
I am staying away from caffeine, so I'm going with the Caffeine Free Diet Coke.
Mostly, however, I like non-carbonated beverages like diet lemonade or any of the Crystal Lite flavors or the Minute Made Light fruity flavors. There are some interesting fruit combinations out there!
But, back to your I haven't had a problem with carbonation. But, boy do I burp a lot when I drink it! (excuse me!)
Hi! If it's your first soda since surgery, I would open it and let it sit for about 1/2 an hour to let some bubble out. Then take a little sip. If it hurts, don't try it again. I've been drinking soda since about 1 month post-op with out problems. I can even drink it right after opening, if I sip.
Just try it, if it doesn't agree with you you'll feel it right away and you'll stop! Simple as that!
It's not good to crave something, it will play tricks on your mind!
I think the surgeons don't want us drinking soda because they are afraid we'll drink reg. with all that sugar! Make sure to stick to diet!
Good for you for listening so closely to your surgeon!

I have heard that the carbonation will stretch the pouch, if that is true, i really do not know, but I have been drinking soda since about 1 month out. But i only take one sip out of someones when they open it, first sip goes to mom, and i do this about 2 times a week, real slow, real little sip, I drank to much once and it really hurt.
Hi Shelley,
I was allowed carbonation at four months out. But my dietician warned me that it stretches the pouch.she said one a week is ok, but not more than that. as for me, i used to drink coke a lot pre-op, i know it was a big part of my weight problems. now, when i take a drink of any pop, it kills my stomach. not only that, but all i can taste is the carbonation. i think my sf kool aid is way better.
I thought I couldn't have carbonated drinks and when I asked why at my two month checkup I was told I could, that it was only at first that I couldn't have it. I'm going to be honest...I drink it every day with no problem. I really like Diet Mountain Dew Code Red, but the other day I tried Propel Fitness Water and really liked it so I'm going to try and drink more of that. I don't like that it has some calories, but I get vERY bored with water.