6 month post-op. How's everyone?
HI Bronda!
I just posted a thread about my six month weigh in because I didn't see this thread! LOL!
Anyway, I weighed in today at my surgeon's office. Since surgery on 8/11, I have lost 77 lbs!!! WOOHOO!!!! I now weigh 155 lbs. Since 1/04, at my highest weight (268), I have lost 113 lbs.
I am in a size 10 or 12, depending on the outfit. I couldn't be happier.
I went to Florida for a couple days and had the time of my life. I wore a bathing suit that I didn't feel disgusting in; I actually felt good about myself. What a feeling that was!
I am thankful every day for what this surgery has done for me. No regrets whatsoever. I can not believe how much my life has changed since the surgery! I am so happy!!!
Congrats to all of my fellow August friends!
Happy 6 month everyone!
I am doing well also. Started at 283 and was 190 on the scale yesterday for a loss of 93 pounds. I still have 30 pounds to go, but I feel confident that I will reach my goal.
Trying to focus on Protein...I was really slacking and letting the carbs creep up on me. I detoxed for 3 days and did nothing but protein shakes made with water, a protein bar and some vegetable juice in between, and then slowly started adding in some chicken for one meal, and some cheese for a snack...I was averaging 700 calories and 125 grams of protein a day and the scale started moving in a hurry. Those carbs have so many empty calories that by the end of the day I had eaten more than 1200 calories worth of chips, sugar free cookies, pretzels, etc. I knew that had to stop.
I know that for me to lose I have to limit my carbs. Now I am just experimenting to see where my cut off is.
I am SO looking forward to summer. This will be the first summer that I have not been obese and I can't wait to see what it brings!
Keep on trucking!
I have lost 85 lbs and have about 60-65 lbs to go. Finally got below 200 a few days ago. I had my 6-month followup visit with my surgeon a couple of days ago and everything looks great! I'm now a healthy person, which was my main goal in having this surgery. Everything else is just icing on the cake (sugar-free, of course).