FYI: Hair Loss Has Ended
I'm still losing a ton of hair a day. I am so glad that I had thick hair before the surgery because, I think I would be bald by now if I didn't. Sometimes in the shower I cry when I see how much hair I'm losing. I had surgery 8/25 and I've been losing hair for about 3 weeks now. How long did yours last? I'm getting in 60-70 grams of protein every day, is there shampoo or creme anyone can recommend for me?????
I'm glad I'm not the only one, but I want to be posting
FYI: hair loss has ended REAL SOON!!!!
My hair loss started early in my third month, so it lasted about 2 months.
I was losing massive amounts every day--it was everywhere. But no one can tell that it's any thinner except me. The diameter of my ponytail is about 1/2 what it used to be.
I'm already starting to get new little wispy hairs that stick up.
Oh, yeah--you asked about hair products and protein. I never used any special shampoos or hair products for the hair loss. And I usually just barely manage to hit the minimum protein requirements as well. It just started and stopped all by itself.
Hope yours stops falling out soon. I was near panic a few times when my hair was coming out at its worst. I didn't even realize for awhile that it was slowing down until one day I noticed I hadn't had to clear the shower drain for a few days and my brush was not encrusted with hair every time I used it.
Same with me! Thank goodness it's finally stopped. I had thin hair to begin with (some diabetes related) now I have VERY thin hair. You can see my scalp all over the top of my head. I'm hoping it won't be long now before new sprouts start popping up. I feel like people are staring at my hair (or lack thereof) when I go out. My plateau finally broke too! So I have TWO things to celebrate! woohooooo!!!!!!!!
Mary Ann
307, size 26/224, size 18!

My hair loss hasn't stopped yet, but it has slowed down considerably. I can't say that all the special shampoo or extra protein consumption has helped----or at least hasn't hurt any. One way or another, my thick mane of hair is much thinner these days. I have to tease it to get any lift at all!
But, if this is the worst thing that happens from this surgery, I can live with it! Now to just get rid of this stomach!
Back to the sit-ups and crunches!
I never did get around to buying any special hair-care products or supplements or anything.
Along with thickness, it seems like some of the waviness is gone too. I had wavy hair that would make big loopy spirals when it's humid, and now it seems a lot straighter, with just some split-end frizz at the ends. Go fig.
I plan to reward myself when I lose 100 lbs by going to get a full-blown makeover at some fancy spa-type place. I'm going to get a radically different hairstyle and color, I think. It's been long and brown and style-less for far too many years. I wanna have some fun with it!

My surgery was 8/30 and I had very thin hair to start with. I was on a variety of arthritis medications that promoted hair loss. In the last few weeks my hair has fallen out by the handfull. I can see my scalp and have decided that a beautiful bald head is worth the price of my weight loss (I think!). I want to cry at other times, but right now I'm just trying to accept what I cannot change. I sure hope that this stops soon.
Nancy A
Oh I wish the hair loss would end here too! It started about 2-3 months ago and is still going strong. I had low thyroid before surgery and my hair thinned out a lot. I was put on Thyroid medication and it had stopped, then I had my surgery and within a few months, it started again.
I am afraid that I have shocked my whole scalp into just shedding every single hair I have left. I do see new growth, which is promising, but when my hair is wet, it feels like there is nothing there at all.
I use Bumble and Bumble thickening lotion (use it like a gel after you shampoo) and it does give it some volume, and I am using thickening shampoos like Loreals Vive for thin seems to plump up the hair. I also am trying Nioxin. My hair stylist said that it is made of wild yams, and it is kind of minty. Once you use it, the conditioner makes your scalp tingle and you can feel it working for about 15 minutes after your are done. It is kind of cool. Whether it works or not remains to be seen, but with all that tingling, it makes you feel like it is doing something up there. Supposedly it cleans out the pores and clears away the dead stuff and stimulates the follicles to encourage new growth.
Whoopee. Whatever. I just want some hair to come back, I really miss it.