I can't believe I ate the WHOLE thing!!!!!
This morning I had a protein bar, (22 grams protein, 250 cal.,) for breakfast. Usually I can only eat about 1/2 of it and feel comfortable. Today, I ate the WHOLE thing!!! This scared me. I find I can eat considerably more these days. Can anyone else eat a whole protein bar in one sitting?
Yup. I can with no problem. I rarely get that uncomfortable full feeling anymore, and nothing gets stuck. I haven't thrown up in months, and I don't dump. I just stop eating usually because I know I've eaten enough. But I know my tummy is regaining elasticity very quickly these days, and its size is not really restricting my intake the way I wi**** would. I mean, I know I can't eat anywhere near what I used to (I used to be able to eat almost everything on a giant platter of food at Red Lobster). But I can certainly eat more than the 2 oz I was eating when I was a new post-op.
I'm with you too - I can eat an entire carbwell cereal bar now and used to only be able to eat half. I'm able to eat more of pretty much everything, but I do know when I am full. I'm making good food choices now, and writing down everything as well as using fitday.com, so I'm not worried
I just consider that pre-op I was able to eat 2-3 breakfast bars without batting an eye.

I was doing a half at a time, and the first time I tried to eat the whole thing, I DUMPED so badly. I will never do that again.
The proetin was great, carbs great, fat great, but the sugar alcohols were high and I think this did me in. I didn't think I dumped off of sugar alcohol but apparently, I do.
BLECH. I never want to repeat that again!
The more I think about it, maybe it was just that I ate too much of it. I felt sick, clammy, heart palpitations, fatique, etc., so I assumed I was dumping, but this could also indicate that I ate too much.
I don't know. I think I will stick with the shakes or a half of bar, as I know I can tolerate it.
That happened to me when I ate a whole power crunch bar, it was so darn good. I was on the phone with my best friend raving on it, aand then I had to let her go cause I got sick off of it, but just that one but all the other ones I eat are pretty small in comparision to that one, BUT IT WAS YUM YUM GOOD, I ordered more but gonna cut them in half next time
I can eat a whole bar. It really depends on what I'm eating how much I can eat. I do get the full feeling really fast with some foods, and not at all with others. The way I see it now is I have to keep up my walking and the surgery is a tool that keeps me from overeating. I have been able to eat more since around the 4 month mark. I don't worry about it too much, I just eat until I feel full. If for some reason I don't I just try to eat in moderation. It's working so far.