menstral changes post/op
hi there...
I was just wondering if anyone else out there has experienced any changes
in their monthly cycle. I had 2 periods in december, then had a whole 12
days off, and got it again. I've seen my PCP, she ordered a pelvic ultrasound
which came out normal ( thank God ) but now the bad news, she wants
me to go on the PILL
I REALLY don't want to do that, for many reasons
but mostly because there is a huge history of blood clots in my family, both
parents had them and my dad even had a pulmonary emboli - thank God he
survivied it. I am just wondering if losing alot of weight quickly can cause this......
let me know what you think....
Sue in Wi

Okay, now you guys have me worried. My cycle has also changed, it comes more frequently and is much heavier. So my gyn did put me on the pill. Does this cause blood clots? She knows I had surgery and didn't act like that was an issue w/ me going on the pill. Give me some insight ladies. Thanks
There is a possibility of blood clots with birth control pills, however, normally it is a small possibility. Since you have a strong family history of blood clots maybe you could try another form of birth control like a cervical cap, diaphram, IUD, or other form on non-hormonal birth control. Your weight loss is most likely contributing to your more frequent periods. Remember, estrogen is a fat stored hormone and as we loose weight this hormone is released into our blood stream which can trigger more frequent and heavier periods than we are used to. Talk to your OB/GYN about your options. Good luck!
One thing I almost forgot to mention is that it might be possible to go on a low dose birth control pill and since we do have malabsorbtion maybe you will absorb just enough to help with the periods without getting a blood clot. Just a thought.
thanks all for responding. You see my husband had a vasectomy and I
don't need the birth control. I did receive a post on another group about
estrogen being stored in our fat and being released after WLS and it
changing our cycles around, I guess it could take a year or so to settle
down, I guess i'm going to ride out the storm and stay off of the pill.
thanks for your advice!!
good luck to all,

Hi all!
I guess I'm the minority on this board. I was supposed to get my period the day after surgery and thank goodness it was 2 weeks late, but since then it has come every 28-30 days like before. I know when I went for all the pre-op doctor appts. and I told them my periods were normal they were all shocked! But mine are all normal. (at least something in my life is!