8/16's 5 month and 22 week check-in
Judy, Judy where are you? ((HUGS))
Hey Christie
I'm doing pretty good. Did a protein challenge for last week so that helped me get out of my bad snacking habit I was getting into dropped five pounds. Down 63 pounds give or take up and downs. Everyone looks great. Lets keep up the fantastic work gals.
Continued success

Over on the Black American Forum board. We like to do challenges like water/vitamin and protein challenges.
The protein challenges are when everything you put in your mouth is protein. That means only protein drinks, meat, tuna, cheese, eggs just pure quality protein. No vegetables, fruits, rice, or additions to a meal.
Example: If I have tuna usually I will put it on 1/2 slice of low carb bread. But during the challenge no beard more tuna meaning increased protein. Basically everything that goes in my mouth is only protein based.
It helps put your body in ketosis which burns fat. Of course you must up your water intake to flush out your increase in protein which is always a good thing. I had gotten to the point were I was snacking on anything that was considered "low carb" and it was holding me back.
Continued success

Here I am! So sorry I neglected my posting duties this week. I have had a very bad week, and I have been stressed out and very emotional. I haven't had a day go by that I haven't been sobbing uncontrollably over this past week. Due to all the emotional stuff I've been going through, I have allowed myself to get back into the bad habit of emotional eating, and over the course of last week, I had gained 10 lbs. back, however, as of this morning I have lost all but 2 so that has put me at 82 lbs. lost for our 5 months post-op check in. I'm trying very hard to get back on track, and not allow my emotions to take over my eating habits. I have resorted to Atkins shakes and bars for today, and will continue that over the next few days. I know some of the gain was water, because a water pill dropped me very quickly, however, I know that if I wasn't emotional eating, I probably would have done much better this week.
It does my heart good knowing that all of you were thinking about me and wondering where I have been. I will try to be better at checking in throughout the rest of this week, and I promise, I'll be back here bright and early next Monday to check-in with everyone!
-82 lbs.
Thanks Christie. It really has been an awful week emotionally for me. I honestly wasn't sure I was coming back here because I couldn't face you guys with such gain and such a downward spiral. I know now that I was wrong, and I will not let my emotions take over like that again, and make me feel like I shouldn't come here for support.
Hi Judy - I'm so happy to see your face again!! You're okay, and you caught yourself - THAT is what matters, right? This is a learning experience for ALL of us, and we'll all trip and fall along the way. Just know that we're all here for you if you need some help getting back up