8/16's 5 month and 22 week check-in
Hi Christie! You are doing great!!
I weighed in at 167 today, a two pound loss this week, making my total 78 pounds since surgery and 133 pounds from my highest weight ( I have to count that since it makes me feel good
) I bought a pair of juniors size 14 jeans this week and they fit! So, I'm feeling pretty darn good!
I can't believe it's been FIVE months! That is just crazy! How is everyone else doing?

Hi Christie,
Yes Where is Judy?
Anyway, I am down 83 lbs as of today and very happy to be sure!
It is very hard to believe that it has been 5 months already! How quickly time has passed. I am feeling fine except my hair is really falling out and feels very thin when I wa**** in the mornings. I have increased my protein so I hope this will end soon. My hair is thick and curly so it's not too noticeable to anyone except me. Any one else having this problem?
My surgery date was 8-23-04. I am down 94 pounds as of this morning. Total in the last year I have lost 131 pounds. I feel awesome. The inches are coming off me fast now also. I felt like I sat at 85 pounds for weeks but my clothes kept getting bigger. My bottom area is really getting small. I love that. You are doing great Christie. Keep up the good work.
We'll be skinny hot mommas before we know it!