open sores please help????????
ok im 4 and a half post op and at the bottom of my scar it keeps opening up and when i went to my surgeon he did something that burned like hell he told me to come back next friday.......since i left him its pussing and there is 3 holes what is going on ??does anyone know what this is??please any input will be great.....thanks chrissy
Hi Chrissy, I am a nurse and I've seen lots of surgical patients with the same trouble. Your surgeon probably opened your scar so it could drain. The leaking of that yucky fluid is actually a GOOD thing. Your belly needs to heal inside first, but the outside closed up too soon; that's why your doctor opened it back up. If it doesn't heal by next week, you may have to have a nurse pack your 'holes' and put a dressing on every day and you may need antibiotics. Call your doc's office sooner if you spike a fever. But keep your spirits up, discouragement is your worst enemy! Wish you the best! Sue