Feel full or not full that is my question?
I am just wondering on if any of you have found "full"?
Do you eat untill you feel a little pain or stictly eat by messureing? My nur/doc both wants us to eat..plain and simple. 4to 6 small meals and to make good choices. Protien first you know the drill ect. Well I am finding that full is very hard to determin and find. sometimes I am not sure if I ate to much or that the pouch doesnt like what I put in it!
so needles to say sometimes I can just about find full and sometimes that same amount will **** of the pouch! I think I think to much.
the other thing isnt all are meals small? I mean 1/2 a wrap is a small meal. Grrrr omg I gotta stop and relax. I think I will tale a
or sumpin! thanks all > KIM

Hi Kim,
I can definitely tell the difference between full and something my pouch doesn't like. The most prominent sign for me is increased saliva - if I have something the pouch doesn't like, the saliva begins to flow and I head for the Tums!
I know that everyone has a very different experience, but this has actually been an easy one for me.
Hope you get some other good tips!
Same with me as Jen, if my pouch doesn't like something, I start to drool like a fool!!! LOL!
But.... I do have a hard time about the full feeling if I eat too fast. I get a pain when I eat too fast, and so I don't know if it is full or just a pain. Sometimes I keep eating and get over full. Sometimes I stop and wait. Today I was in doubt and I just stopped and put my food away. An hour and a half later I was really hungry. So I might have just eaten too fast.
Hope this helps!
I have been having a problem with pain and overfilling my pouch too. I didn't think about it being me eating too fast, but that could be it. Queen pouch does not signal me when she is full, but she certainly punishes me for eating too much. I still try to measure, that is just about the only way to make sure I don't make myself uncomfortable, but I have messed up lately several times and had to suffer. I also am having a terrible time burping. Just doesn't want to happen.
I most usually can tell when I'm full. It is a different kind of feeling than before with my old stomache. I almost always get a hicup too. Now as far as pain, sometimes it will hurt real bad if I eat something that gives me gas.. I never know what that will be. I usually can eat about a half a cup of food at a time. I am 4 and a half months out. 8/31/04 was my surgery. hope this helps, Sheila