Post what you ate today.....
I think we should do this more often! Then, we can get ideas from others on new foods and stuff!
I have been hungry all dang day!
I think I have done pretty okay though!
For breakfast I had 1/2 cup of coffee with 1 scoop of Protowhey, 1/3 cup of egg beater with 1/8 cup of cheese
Lunch: 2.5 ounce of chicken breast with 1/2 cup of cream of mushroom on it.
Snack: Will have 1 scoop of Protowhey blended with low carb milk and swiss miss diet cocoa
Snack again: 1 oz String cheese/.5 beef jerkey
Dinner: The guts of a chicken fajita pita???
Totals are....
728 calories
25 fat
28 carbs
98 protein!
If this doesn't break my stall who knows what will! !Actually, it has broken a little....225 is now 221.5!! SO, there is hope! LOL!
Going to chuck e cheese for a party..dont want to touch the food!
For breakfast I had 8 oz of skim milk with my protein powder.
Snack - a can of Tomato Juice
Lunch - Salad with lettuce, tomato, onion, chicken and low fat, sugar free Italian dressing
No afternoon snack, too full.
Dinner - a piece of lean beef with onions and mushrooms
Bedtime snack, a sugar free fudgebar from Dairy Queen.
Not the best day, but I didn't have any potatoes, chips, bread, rice or pasta, which was my goal. I have got to stay away from those carbs. They make me sooooo hungry.
Take care all,
Hey there, MT,
You did awesome today! Wow!
I like the idea of posting what we ate, also. It is good to get ideas from others.
I was in the hair salon for three hours today, so my eating was all screwed up today.
I had a protein shake with half milk/halk water
carb countdown yogurt
steak and grilled onions
And of course, loads of iced coffee.
That's about it! I need to get back on track tomorrow.
OMG! I fell like such a pig compared to you guys!!!
This is what I ate yesterday...
B: two small crepes with SF syrup
S: 1/2 of a small turkey wrap
L: Salad with chicken, egg, and cheese and low-fat dressing
S: rice krispie treat (BAD AMBER!!!)
D: 3 oz chicken stuffed with artichokes and cream sauce, 2 Tbsp corn
S: the other 1/2 of my wrap
It came up to about 823 calories and 52g protein (my surgeon says 50g minimum).

Hey Amber!
Hon, you did awesome! You are hardly a pig; you are eating the amounts we should be eating at this stage.
It was just a hard day for me because I was in the salon most of the day. I always try to get in 60-80 grams of protein (per my surgeon) but I am instructed not to count calories at this point. I think at 6 months we start to count calories.
Anyway, I think your menu sounds great. And I totally want the recipe for the artichoke chicken! Sounds awesome!
And I have also tried a rice crispy treat! LOL! It was AWESOME and the perfect amount of sugar (8 grams). I didn't dump and it was a delicious treat! Nothing wrong with treats in moderation. This is my motto!
You are right on track as far as food intake. I need to be more diligent and ensure I get enough in. You are doing awesome.
Can you post your recipe?
Sorry Denise... no recipe. I wish I had it! LOL!!!
My hubby bought the chicken at our grocery store's "pre-made dinner" area in the deli/bakery. All he had to do was throw it in the oven and heat it up. Today we had our main meal at lunch that was from the pre-made area, and it was salmon filets with some kinda lemon and dill cream sauce. I am trying to not eat so much of the sauce as I am sure it is high in calories and fat! But I had like 2 bites of rice and some corn with it! YUM!
My hubby comes up with the best recipes, though. I was craving IHOP pumpkin pancakes one day, so he made me a sugar free version!!! If you want that recipe, e-mail me: [email protected]

Well, I'm reluctant to post this but here goes....
B-Skipped...slept very late!
L-1/2 of a Smokehouse Wrap (took most of tortilla off and it has lettuce, bacon and grilled chicken inside). From Sonic
D-1/2 of Smokehouse wrap
S-Cheese and nuts
I quit counting was just getting to be so crazy and, so I don't worry about my calories, and protein level. I try hard to drink the amount I need to and to eat well balanced meals. Sometimes I'm amazed at all of the numbers that people post with their meals. I used fitday for a while and that's pretty cool but, then I just decided that maybe I needed to not worry so much about it.
I also don't weigh as much as I used to...I go 2-3 weeks without stepping on a scale. It was starting to stress me out and I decided to get rid of that. I tossed my scale to the curb and now I only weigh at work.
Breakfast: one scrambled egg with cheese, 2 ounces of granola with 2 percent milk on it
Lunch: 4 ounces of cheese or tuna, chicken or turkey salad and part of an apple or other fruit
Snack: 1 ounce of organic cheese crackers (this is actually a lot and I sometimes can't eat them all)
Dinner: 4 ounces of vegetable chili with chicken chunks, salad
Snack: 1 sugar free carb smart ice cream bar
For drinks, I drink Crystal Light, herb tea, decaffinated tea and water.
I also drink two protein drinks a day if I can get them in, usually a prepared one and a glass of milk. I get rather severly bloated by the protein drinks, so I am having a hard time forcing myself to drink them. My hair isn't falling out yet, though, so I seem to be doing Ok.
I have been CRAVING fruit lately, so I also have been drinking a small glass of orange juice or eating some berries for snacks.