Holy Cow!!! New pictures!!
I posted this on the main board but just HAD to share with my August buddies as well
Sorry about all of the !!! but I am so excited! I got my pictures back today that we took a week ago, and I really almost died, do I really look like that now? Wow! I'm so proud of myself (wow, don't I sound full of myself today!?) I just wish I could see that woman when I looked in the mirror!
Anyway, check it out:
And on cloud NINE!

HOLY CRAP, Aimee!!!
You look phenominal, girl!!! I can not get over it! You are just as cute as anything. You really are a little doll!
I know what you mean about seeing the loss in pictures but not in the mirror. Isn't it weird? I am the same way. If I see a picture of myself where my weight loss is noticable, I always think, "Well, I don't look like that in the mirror."
But I must look like that in the mirror if I look like that in the picture, right?
Why don't we see it in mirrors if we see it in pics? I don't get it!
I am so glad you posted these pics. I called my mom in (she is staying for the night) and showed her. She loves to see before and after pics, and she was blown away by your transformation.
You really, really look awesome. Just beautiful. Keep it up, girl! We are almost there and I promise that we will both achieve our goals. We are sooo close!
Based on my scale, I am in the 158 range. It varies day to day; one day it will say 157, another day 158, another day 159, another day 157....who knows! LOL I am not changing my profile to reflect this though, because I am going to see my surgeon and dietician in 2 weeks so I will post my official weight then. My last weight in my pics is 160, so I will keep that for now.
Your loss has been OUTSTANDING. You must be on cloud nine, Aimee! It is so exciting!!! I have a question for you: Do you have any issues with foods? I am pretty much able to tolerate anything but I don't like the taste of eggs any more for some reason.
Hope to hear from you soon!

Awww, thanks Denise!! I absolutely love looking at your pictures and reading your profile, I feel like I can always identify with you!
As far as eating, I can tolerate pretty much anything at this point. I go through food "phases" where I only like to eat one thing, and I'm pretty much obsessed with that thing until my next obsession comes along. Currently my obsession is cheese and whole wheat crackers - not the best thing in the world, but certainly better than the whole pizza or whole bag or dorritos obsession that got me here. I still love fudgecicles and now have added popcorn as one of my weekly "treats" -- as far as not liking anything, I used to have a really hard time with chicken, but now as long as I eat it coated with some kind of sauce, I love it. I still haven't tried bread or pasta, I'm scared of it! Grease is the only thing that I consistantly turn my nose up at. I bake everything I eat!
Keep me updated on your progress Denise!!

Aimee!!! YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!!! OMG... I cannot wait to look that good!!! You are rocking it, girlfriend!!!
I have a problem with chicken, too. Pasta goes down REALLY good with me! LOL! But I have a problem with untoasted bread. And it can't be white bread even if it is toasted.
I used to be a certifiable sugar feind! It was horrible. I could eat a whole box of Little Debbie anything and not think twice! Well, accept for the guilt! But now I can pass up sweet things, for the most part, no problem. Now I crave salty stuff like chips. But I still like my low carb ice cream and SF Oreos! Yum-yum!!!!
Anyways, congrats on the awesome weight loss!!! I love the pics! You must feel great.
Hey Aimee
Don't know if you remember me, we shared an email or two about being from SAUGUS...
I just wanted to drop by and tell you I checked out your web site and read for a while and saw all your pictures. I am so proud of you!!!! You look incredible, so, so, so good! I am so happy for you! The words you wrote about your husband supporting you before and now were very sweet. I could relate to a lot of what you wrote. I hope your hip pain resolves soon, I am dealing with hip pain also, though mine sounds different. Just wanted to say hi and
GOOD JOB and I wish you the best!
God bless you and your family-