Feeling like a failure.....
Mommy Teacher, I went though the same thing. I was light weight also.
My weight fell off slow. I would go 2-3 mo without losing a pound. But, One thing i did notice is, i lose inches while not losing weight. You know that could be a good thing. It helps your boby catch up to your weight loss. Losing the inches could help you not sag so much. I went by how my clothes fix. I hardly ever weigh myself. I am 9 mo out and and just now started weighting myself. I went to the Doctor last mo and that was the first time in along time since i really knew how much weight i really lost. I always said" I've lost around this much weight" Not jumping on the
scales kapt me from feeling feeling NOT LIKE A LOSER. Everything will come together for you. Good Luck, Debra
Hey Neighbor! Your doing AWESOME! I've been stuck in a size 22 for a month now, probably longer, Sometimes we hit a brick wall and stop but you know, it will start up again. I really could use a walking partner because I have not walked since ive been back to work and that was in September. So I know you and I live so close, maybe we can go walking together, and support each other. I think it's great you and I live so close because we can do a lot for each other to support each others weight loss, and build a a great friendship.
I'm off of Stanford and Brookhurst on Acacia. I think you were on Lampson???
Let me know girlie! I would love to be able to help you as much as I can. With exercise and with a simple chat.
Tiffany Trujillo-Garden Grove, California.

Talk to your doctor to see where you should be. I know exactly how you feel. My goal is 100lbs by 6 mos. I don't know if I'll get there. Not everyone loses as fast as others. I came across a chart on this website that project how much you should lose over the course of 18mos. I know it's just a generic chart but it made me feel a lot better. I'm right on track. As long as you evercise at least 30 min a day and focus on 50g of protein per day (no more/no less) you have nothing to worry about. You are healthier today than you were before you had the surgery. You know that you will continue to lose weight. Stay off that scale and enjoy the success you've had so far.