Should I insist on a fill?
Hi all! Sorry I posted this on the main board too, but I'm really upset about this!
My real question....I saw my dietician last Sunday (Jan.2)-4th month out and I hadn't lost a single pound all December.
I was an emotional wreck this month for a bunch of reasons. The thing is I barely ate junk food! It was all from eating a LOT of normal food and I didn't think I should be able to eat that much! I've only had one fill so far and most of you say it takes two or three. My dietician (also medical supervisor) says she doesn't like fills because it's for pigs! Can you imagine hearing that??? After not loosing anything a whole month, to hear I'm a pig! Anyway point is I'm seeing her again this Sun. should I insist on another fill?

Absolutely insist on a fill! I have the lap band and have had it filled twice. I would also suggest a new nutritionist. Anyone who uses the word "pig" to describe someone who's had WLS should be ashamed of themselves. That's hurtful! I have had two fills - the first one was 1 CC of fluid, that didn't have too much of an impact. The second one was another .75 CCs of fluid, and that made a huge difference. My quantity of food has been cut so dramatically, and I lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks (which really motivated me to stay the course). The beauty of the band is that it IS adjustable. If you have in between meal hunger, or can still eat a large quantity, have a fill. One of the reasons you probably chose this over the bypass is the fact that it's adjustable to suit your needs! Let me know if there's anything else i can do to help!