Hello All

Here is hoping 2005 brings you all of your successes and dreams.

I have decided this is the year of exploration for me. I am gonna take 2005 by the horns, reach my goal weight on or before my year anniversary of 8/12/05.

Two major surgeries in four months is alot to overcome,

but you know what? I did it and I will make it. I go back to work tomorrow after being home for a month, and I am so ready to do so. Work is a blessing. When one does not have their health, they have NOTHING!

For those who asked,

I have posted new photos to my profile. You can see one taken today at the bottom or hit the www to view the rest. (
I wanted to take the time to publically "Thank "all of you who have supported me through 2004 and my journey to weight loss. You have been a Godsend.

There are so many more of you who are important to me, I can not name you all. I want the best for you and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

God Bless you all and here is hoping that 2005 bring you all you desire and deserve.

