4 months post-op and having problems; need advice and counsel
Thanks for posting so honestly!
I thought I was the only one having trouble. I feel like I could snack all day long - not good! I can never tell if I'm really hungry or just having head hunger. Most times carbs, sweets, and fats go down much easier than meat or other high protein foods. Chips and salty snacks are my biggest downfall.
Around Thanksgiving I noticed I could eat just a little more here and there, and have been "cheating" ever since. I do admit to eating cookies, fudge, and almost everything else that was passed around between Thanksgiving and yesterday. Thank God I have not gained any weight, but I've only lost 3 lbs since Thanksgiving. My first goal was to be - 60 lbs by Christmas, as that time grew nearer I changed it to be below 200 by Christmas. This could have been reached easily if I had behaved. So here I am, holidays over, and weigh 205.
I vow as of this morning to do better, eat healthier, exercise regularly and not become overwhelmed by thinking long-term, I'll do this one day at a time.
Thanks again, and thanks to all *****sponded to you. I now realize I'm not alone, I'm in great company! Here's to a Happy New Year for all of us. Much success and better health in the days to come.
Count me in.... I had surgery on 08/30/04 and it is very hard to stop picking; so I just stop buying things that my family like to eat (mainly sugar and carb things...) I made it up to -93 lbs but I picked back up +7 of it; so my total lost is -88lbs. I use Bionutrient Nioxin Shampoo and Therapy for my hair and it is Absolutely WONDERFUL!!! My hair has slowed down by about 85%. I found out that I need to take Thaimin (Vitamin A) and Beta Certena daily; also.
I felt like I needed to just jump start my weight lose again. I have tied going back to just liquids but it is very hard! Anyway, those are my thoughts...
Come on you girls!!! We have come this far. Our window of opportunity is getting shorter with each month that goes by. I for one did not go through all this not to make my goals. Drink tha****er, eat that protein and don't do any sugar. I have lost 70lbs in 5 months. I started at 234 and I can't believe the miracle, the gift I have been given. Sugar is my enemy and once you cleanse yourself of all sugar the cravings go away. As far as the carb craving. Put your snack in a small bowl and allow 1 little indulgence. Then quit. Make it something you look forward to everyday. Are you exersising? Try a short walk at night before bed. I get tired so I moved the exercise to nighttime and then go to bed. It helped.
My hair did fall out too. I found a shampoo that helped. Look around for one.
Find a protein drink you like. I found this the easiest way to get it in. If you have to try them all do it.
Boy am I glad I'm not the only one. I was afraid to read everyone's responses, because I thought maybe it was just you and me. I have tried to get back on track with the Holiday's over, but today has been tough for me. I want to eat all day! I had my protein shake for breakfast at 6:30, at 8:00 I ate 6 small prunes, by 9:30 I ate a peach, by 10:30, I had eaten my lunch, which consisted of a low carb wrap with sugar free pickles, cheese and turkey. At 12:30 I ate a cup of chili from the local grocery store with about 10 low carb tortilla chips, and I just finished eating about 1/4 cup of nuts. I've been HUNGRY all day, and it won't quite. I have also had 4 16 oz. bottles of water so far today, and the hunger pains just won't quit!!! I hope this feeling goes away. A few weeks ago, you had to force feed me, I didn't want to eat at all, and now that is all I want to do! So what I'm trying to say is...I guess this is normal...at least I hope it is, because if I continue at this pace, I'll gain all 81 lbs. back by the end of the winter! I really hope it is just a phase. I have been on a plateau now for a month. Scale hasn't moved at all except up and down the same 5-7 lbs the last 4 weeks. ARGHH!!!!
-75.6 lbs (at least today)