someone please help
If your bowels are not moving at all, that's a bad thing. But with our decreased volume of food, we may not have a bowel movement but once every 3 days normally.
I notice that when I drink something with a milk product in it (i.e. ice cream, slim fast shake, milk (not skim)), it sometimes "kick starts" my bowels into some motion. But, that's just me.
For continued daily good health, millions of Chinese people drink Chinese green dieter's tea daily. I recommend the "3 Ballerina" can find it at any Chinese food store. Millions of Chinese persons can't be wrong! Maybe you should work this into your daily routine?
I keep a few laxitives on hand (the mild kind, like Dulcolax) just in case. But if you are having painful movements, that could indicate some other problem that might be as serious as something that could require another surgery to correct. You don't want to do that, if you can avoid it....but it's best to check with your surgeon.
Call the doctor's office first thing in the morning. It never hurts to check on these things with a professional.
Good luck with this!
stool softeners, milk of magnesia, and as mentioned, products with milk in them would be things to use/consider...but also AS MENTIONED: CALL YOUR DOC'S OFFICE! They have seen it all and may have 1000x better suggestions. You'd be surprised
Definitely give them a ring, and in the meantime, take the suggestions mentioned. Let your doc know what you're taking, eating, etc....