08/30 Progress Report (- 86lbs)
Hi all my WLS friend,
Well, I cannot believe it -86 lb. since 08/30/04. What a life.... I am healthy, smiling all the time, enjoying the holiday and unemployed has of yesterday at 5pm (massive layoff). But God is so good.................. no matter what this world hands me. I am a survivor!
I have a few questions:
1. What are you eating now?
2. What size clothes are you wearing?
3. Has your vision changed?
4. Has your medicine changed?
5. How is your family feeling about the weight lose?
6. Are you losing hair?
7. How many inches?
My answers:
1. Eating meats: Boiled fish, chicken, liver, small amt of beef, turkey; drinking crystal light/wylers; no bread yet, no lettuce, no sugar, no greases food because I use Pam for cooking. I just love that George F. grill.
2. Size 20/22 in tops and 22/24 in pants still
3. Vision went from 5.75 left/5.25 right to 6.0 in both (had to purchase new glass for myself.
4. Taking all vitamins and I love B12. Still taking HB pressure medicine for now.
5. Son is happy, but wants me to stop loosing weight. He thinks men are going to starting looking at his mama; so cute right. He says "mommy looks really good...." Daddy really like's what he sees ... smile.
6. Started loosing hair about 2 weeks ago and started using Nixon (Shampoo, Therapy, Daily Stimulate growth and Moisture).
7. I feel I have losted a lot of inches. From a 32/34 in tops and 34/36 in pants too 22/24. Well, do the math... I feel great...
Well, Thanks for listening and I look forward to reading your replies.
Have a Blessed Holiday Season and Be Safe!
ok my surgery was 8/31/04
I have lost 70 lbs. I eat chicken, beef mostly, some tuna, cheese, beans, nuts, seeds, salad, fruit, brocoli, no fried, no greasy, some potatoes, some bread, but very little.
I as wearing 6X and now I wear 4X and some 3's . I had to but smaller undies and bras. So cool!!!!!!!!! I can finally wear clothes from walmart!!!! big thing for me. used to couldnt at all.
As far as my vision goes I havent noticed anything different.
I am off all meds except vitamins.. THANK GOD!!!
My family is really getting excited about my weight loss and they are very proud of me.
My hair is falling out. The Dr. said I had a zinc deficiency and gave me a perscription.
I never have measured myself. Doesnt matter to me as long as I keep loosing. I have along way to go for weight loss cause I am still at 308. But I came from 378. but I am so happy!!!
Hi ms. white
I know exactly what you mean. i have lost 96 pounds , most of it in the first two month due to complications. but i feel great now!!! I am so happy to have done this for myself.
1. i eat just about everything, but my dietician wont let me have red meat for 10 mos, so kinda missing that. i cant stand greasy food, i hate bread now, yuck, love salads and cottage cheese , and fruit. i drink water, elite protein shakes with carb countdown skim milk, and love sf kool aid.
2. size 22 tops and pants, or 2x. was 28 so thats good
3. havent noticed anything with my vision, but have noticed a loss of memory a little.
4.dont have high blood pressure no more woooooooooo hoooooooo i was on two medications a day and havent needed them since surgery, oh i am so glad. i now take asthma meds though, only used an inhaler before, but up to 4 meds now so thats not too good. take all my vitamins and "stuff" doc said all levels were great.
5. family is so happy with the weight loss, but miss the buffet i think LOL . Hubby is changing though, been listening to too many ppls storys and says i've changed and became mean LOL. Every one else says hes wrong, but he has changed and became very jealous.
6. i have lost enough hair to make a wig probably, and still losing. doc said just keep up the protein, the zinc levels were good, and i take biotin. hopefully it will stop soon, thankfully i had really thick hair.
Keep up the good weight loss.
[email protected]

1. What are you eating now? i eat chicken, tuna, hamburger but only like two bites of the bread and then i just eat the patty...i lov fish and salmon
i do tv dinners sometimes...cant do rice or pasta...
2. What size clothes are you wearing? I went frm a 22/24 or somtimes a 26/28 to a 16/18 lots of inches
3. Has your vision changed? have good vison so i dont think so
4. Has your medicine changed? i take vitiamns and b12
5. How is your family feeling about the weight lose? i love it!!!! but i am soooo tired an i hate the flabby stuff but its better then a big umpa lumpa
6. Are you losing hair? YES YES UGH CLUMPS OF IT
7. How many inches? NOT SURE
1. What are you eating now?
I pretty much whatever I want to as long as it isn't a high fat content, and I'm not eating sugar at all...I can't eat Shrimp, turkey or roastbeef. All three of these items make me sick as a dog. I can eat bread in moderation, as long as it is toasted or I eat just a bite or two of non toasted, I'm ok with rice and pasta, but again, very limited amounts.
2. What size clothes are you wearing?
I started out in 32 pants and 30/32 tops, I am now in 22/24 pants and 18/20 - 22/24 tops depending on what it is.
3. Has your vision changed?
Haven't noticed a vision change.
4. Has your medicine changed?
Wasn't really on any medications to begin with
5. How is your family feeling about the weight lose?
So far, they are very proud of me. My sister ended up having the surgery last week because of my success.
6. Are you losing hair?
YES...Everytime I run my fingers through my hair it comes out, not necessarily in clumps...I also notice a lot more in the drain in the shower, and hair shedding onto my clothing.
7. How many inches?
I didn't measure in the very beginning and I wish I had. But from one month out til now, I have lost about 26 inches.
Great questions!
-77.6 lbs.
I am down a total of 65 pounds. It feels great!
1. What are you eating now? food, I hate food! It feels great to hate food. Nothing tastes good anymore I think it is so neat. But to get my protein in I eat, string cheese, CIB w/Carb Countdown, Grilled Chicken, Turkey Spam, Ground Turkey, Lean Ground Sirloin, Turkey Sausage. I also have cravings for brocolli and apple juice. I love apple juice but try to stay away because of the calories and sugar. I enjoy SF fudgesicles and SF popsicles
2. What size clothes are you wearing? 16 tight and 18 baggy pants, XL or 1X tops
3. Has your vision changed? no not at all
4. Has your medicine changed? I take B12, Chewable vitamins, Prilosec, biotin and 3 tums daily
5. How is your family feeling about the weight lose? they are very supportive everyone says how skinny I am getting (I Love it!) and my husband cannot keep his hands off of me (LOL)
6. Are you losing hair? Yes I hate washing my hair because I get so depressed about it. I have alot of hair so I am hoping no one will notice
7. How many inches? not sure of inches I will measure again on my 4 month anniversary at 2 months it was 20 inches
Keep up the good work everyone!

-60 here!
I had my biggest loss this week in a LOOONG TIME (I usually average 2lbs a week, but started the gym and down 5lbs this week! Moral of the story: exercise! For those that do it, I am totally getting into it, got myself a nice little suit to look cute at the gym..lol. For those that haven't already, you definitely should! Walking, etc is great, but nothing better than feeling a bit more toned as you work hard, PLUS, the weight loss for me was even better than usual...5lbs vs. 2lbs a week! Woo hoo!
1> what am i eating? Pretty much everything. I'm eating lots of salads because its the only real meal I feel like I'm eating as a regular human! lol. I can have a plate of salad and literally feel satisfied and as if I had plenty. Also, chicken, fishes, etc. Do eat red meat when I eat burgers, but then again, I HARDLY DO! lol. That's a craving I've totally lost after the surgery, and I was a burger-junkie before! I have a bite here or there. Bread, a bite or two, but definitely no more than that. My head loves bread, but my tummy feels constricted when I have too much of it (and by too much I mean 3 or more bites). Not really eating sugar, just doing sugar free stuff when possible, and juices. I like juices, but as mentioned, not as much because of calories and carbs/sugars. Overall, can have most anything, just at major moderation and just a bite or two of bad things.
2> Size now: 16/18. I started as a 22. My next goal is to be able to fit an old pair of size 16 pants from the GAP...not there yet, but definitely close!
3> vision? Not really...not that i can notice
4>Meds? Wasn't on many meds before, just my vitamins. I was on prozac before but no longer feel that I need to take it or have it in my system.
5> Family likes my loss, but everyone really doesn't say much about it. They see me day in and day out, I guess it's harder to see or notice it when you see someone daily. For some friends I haven't seen in a while, I've definitely started getting the "You look great!" comments.FINALLY!
6>Losing hair? I think so. I see more hair around the house than usual, but not sure if its just mine or the other females in the house!
I have lots of thick hair, so if I'm losing, can't really notice it, but do notice it feels lighter! lol
7>measurements? Never took them from the beginning. I definitely know I've lost inches, I just never measured initially. Although its important to keep record of it, I didn't and just going by how I feel, what I see in the mirror, how my clothes fit and the scale.
We're all doing so great! Congrats and happy holidays to everyone!

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WEIGHT LOSS!!! You are right - God is SO GOOD! This WLS has literally changed my life (positively) in so many ways. I thank God for his Grace in making it possible. May God bless you during this time.
Answers to your questions:
1. I have started eating more different things in the past month. Usually my day consisted of a Quaker carb control bar and cheese stick for breakfast and a Weigh****cher Smart Ones chicken dinner at lunch and dinner. My snack is Hunts sugar free chocolate pudding. I drink Minute Maid lite lemonade. In the past month I have ate a low carb burger from Hardees, roast beef, and ham. I've also (regretfully) found Russell Stover sugar free candy. I also occasionally eat Yoplait Ultra yogurt and Del Monte lite peaches. Since the end of my third month I have noticed an increase in appetite. I have went from 600 calories a day to around 1000. I'm still losing just slower.
2. I was wearing a size 4X, 26-28 before surgery. I am now wearing a size 18 or Large in pants and a 20 or 1x in tops. I have even purchase some clothes at Deb a local "teenage" shop that has junior plus sizes. I wear a 1x in pants there and a 3x in tops. No more long, loose trapeze tops!
3. Only change in vision is had to increase strength of bifocal lens. I'm at THAT age!
4. Before surgery, I was taking 3 pills a day for my diabetes, 1 blood pressure pill, 1 diuretic, 4 potassium supplements and my bipolar meds. I have not taken any of those meds since the day before surgery. This time last year I was hospitalized with blood sugar running 500-600. I was given 4 insulin shots a day plus the above meds. My Hemoglobin A1C was 9.7. Today my blood sugar was 82. My Hemoglobin A1C is now 5.3 (non-diabetic range). I still take my bipolar meds as well as a multi-vitamin, B-12, Coromega, and Calcium/Magnesium.
5. My family is very supportive and tell me all the time how proud they are of me. My husband gets a little green eyed every now and then but not bad. They all see how happy I am now and are happy too.
6. My hair has been coming out now for about 3 weeks. It's pretty thin on top. I used to have to have it thinned every time I got a haircut but not any more. Any suggestions from anyone on what to do to stop/control the loss?
7. I have lost 8 inches each in my waist, midriff and belly, 6 inches in my chest and bust, 5 inches in my hips and 4 inches in the top of each thigh, 1 1/2 inch in my neck. I am Apple shaped so now my legs and arms are very thin. The rest is in my trunk that I have to lose.
This surgery one of the biggest blessings of my life (after my salvation, and the beautiful daughter I have). It has literally given me back my life. I no longer just try to "get by" - I am LIVING. I'm doing things I haven't been able to do in years. I have energy that I haven't had in years. This is the least I've weighed in 15 years. Do you all know what I'm talking about??? I could just shout! Praise God for His grace and blessings.
Jeanette - Lap RNY 8/25/04 - 330 before - 260 now.