It's time to VENT!
Hi Norma!
You need to go shopping, girl! I know it is tough around the holidays and we don't want to buy too many clothes in one size because within a week, they will be too big! order for people to notice the loss, you can't hide behind baggy clothes. How are they supposed to see your loss? Go buy something form fitting that really shows all you have accomplished! You don't have to spend a lot of money....heck, go to Walmart! Wait to go to the good stores for when you hit goal.
Allow yourself to go and buy one new outfit. I promise your friends, family and co-workers will notice!
Congrats on your loss!
Norma's to do list: BUY NEW/FITTING CLOTHES!
I wandered into the backbackback of my closet this morning, where all my old/smaller clothes reside. I hadn't been in those neck of the woods in a LONG TIME. And sure enough, found some old jeans that had been retired because they cut my circulation when I was bigger! THEY FIT!!!!! woo hoo! It felt so great to button them up and check myself out in the mirror! Definitely not the same as buying new clothes, but felt pretty darn good, if i say so myself!
Will definitely take all your advice and get some nice fitting clothes ASAP!

Don't worry Norma I have actually had people tell me that I look like I am gaining weight (after a weight loss of 55 lbs)!!!!!!!!!! Now if that dosen't make you feel ticked off I don't know what will. But, I just look at them and say oh really you think so I haven't even noticed maybe I am. Sometimes when people see how good you are doing they get jealous and try to bring you down. Just don't let them hun!!!!!!!!!!! You are doing great also maybe they may feel that if they comment you may take offense or not know how to respond so they may just be trying to be nice and not hurt your feelings as well. Just be proud of yourself and know that everyone here is proud of you and cheering you on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aw, thank you so much
I definitely will be more proud of myself and definitely feel the cheering from all you great people on here. I'm hoping to join the gym in the next few weeks (Bally's), and will definitely concentrate on maximizing my weight loss and kicking this baby in high gear. I've definitely slacked off the last few months, so it's time to get this party started and get to goal! Best to everyone and thank you for the awesome words of wisdom.

Denise, Everyone made good points. I do believe to 'normal' sized people, we look much the same. I was in the same boat as you until a couple of weeks ago. I finally had tobreak down and shop for new clothes so i went to Target and Walmart and bought a couple of pants and sweaters that fit. BTW, I'm down about 70 lbs. (Our clothes are baggy but who KNOWS what's under there.
) I hated spending the money on clothes I knew I wouldn't be fitting in a few months but it sure did a lot for my self esteem. This weekend, I threw an annual Christmas brunch
and I saw friends and family that I don't see on a regular basis. People were amazed at the change. Hang in there, it's going to happen~best, barb

You have gotten some GREAT advice here - the real reason no one notices really is because you are wearing your old clothes. No one said a peep to me until I bought a couple of outfits that were size 18 (down from 26) and now I can't get anyone to shut up about it!
Trust me, run on over to the Goodwill and get yourself a pair of slightly tight jeans... the compliments will just roll in!
Congratulations - you are a winner!