hair is going going going!!!!
I'm right with you my surgery was 8/9 also and my hair is coming out a lot too!!! I went last week to get a trim and highlit, my hairdresser said I still had plenty of hair and not to worry it should stop around 6 months but I would have a lot of new growth to deal with so I have started moose and scruching my hair so it won't stick out so much...
Happy Holidays Linda
Oh i feel ya girl....another baldy-locks here....hahaha... I have just started noticing lots of hair in my brush and when i take a shower lots of air on my hands....I hope that it stops....I already have very thin hair and i dont want to lose anymore....If i start looking like a plucked chicken extentions here i come.....hahaha..Alma i am so glad to hear that you are feeling better....GOD BLESS YOU SWEETIE....I bet that your sons are sure proud of you.....
Had to jump in and say me too! My hair was kinda thin to begin with,but now I have bald spots...........I mean I have to pull it back to hide my scalp! It's that bad. It's been falling out heavily for about a month and a half. I was told that we can lose up to 50% of our hair (I'm definitely there now)....but that it DOES come back. I don't want to jinx myself, but the last two days, I've noticed a lot less fallout! I'm 4 months right I'm hoping, HOPING this is it and I'm on my way back to semi-thick hair!
I sure don't wanna be the skinny bald chick!!
Mary Ann

Hello Everybody!!!
My hair has also been falling out. On the pillow, in the sink, in the shower,on my clothes. I'm out almost 4 months. It will be Aug.20th.
I'm very concerned. I found a really good drink in Target. It's got 20grms of Protein. The Atkins yogurt has 12 grms. I've been trying to eat my protein first at meals. I hope it stops as well. W're all in it together and it seems we've all got this experience. I as well hope it stops.
Love to read all the inputs, it's so helpful. Thanks....

Sorry Alma.
I have had the same problem too. Here's a thread that I posted about a month ago on the same subject. You can read what we "talked" about regarding hair loss:
But an update...
I am still losing hair and at a faster rate in the 4th month than in the 3rd. My hair stylist saw me again last week for another hair cut and style and highlights....and we've just changed my whole hairstyle to compensate for my loss of hair.
No one has noticed that I have lost any (except for my husband who apparently thinks he gets tangled up in all the long brown hair in our bathroom----on the floor, in the sink and in the shower!) I try so hard to keep it swept and wiped up, but it is literally EVERYWHERE!
My hairdresser noticed some thinning (she says), but she tells me to relax and just wait it out. She says that everyone who has WLS loses their hair from about 3 - 6 months out. But, she reminds me that it will grow back! Try not to freak out too much.
If you have huge bald spots, consider wearing a wig or a hairpiece. Your friends probably will be very understanding, but I know----I know that the only person it really matters to you is you. Chin up! It's only hair....and it will grow back!
Funny how we can finally relate (once in our lives) to men who struggle with hair loss all their adult lives! Think of it as a chance to "walk in their shoes" for a short while. It may make you a more sensitive person in the end!