Prayers Please!
Hi All,
I just wanted to let you know, that I am Still having issues, and with it severe pain. I had a small reprieve with the vomiting, but then it came back with a vengence. I am unable to keep any solids down without violent vomiting, and now I have severe pain under the right breast, mid abdomen. I simply do not eat because the vomiting is so intense, and the pain, that I prefer not to invoke it.
I have been avoiding dealing with this as long as I could due to fright mostly. I had so many complications, that I am really really afraid. I know that sounds stupid to some, but the fear is very real to me.
The pain has become so intense, that I can no longer avoid it. I broke down this morning and called to move my appt up with my surgeon (it was scheduled for next week) My appt with Dr. Steinburg is tomorrow afternoon. I really hope we can come to a resolve with this.
Yes, I am happy with my 70 lbs loss...But this has been almost 4 months of hell, and very nerve wracking. In addition, we just found out that my 12 year old Kelli will have to undergo yet an addditional surgery. We are simply waiting on the pre-cert to go through.
Anyway- I will glady take prayers.
Thanks for your support.

Our thoughts are with you Denise. Hang in there! I hope you have contacted your surgeon and are discussing with him all the problems and issues with your WLS. Everyone here on the message board is great, but we don't substitute for good medical advice. If you haven't talked with your doctor, call him now!
Take Care,
Bill JM