Need some support..??? Of Cancer ....
Hi all.
This is my first post. I had RNY Aug 30 and have had a lot of complication....
2 days Post Op- I needed a second emergancy surgey as my Pouch was filling with blood.-- from infection and high fevers to needing a transusion, becoming hypoglicimic to have BGL's then soar to 350! It was a misserable 7 days in the hospital.
constricturs -- will have a second endo and dialation in three weeks! -- still voimiting more meals than I keep down!)
Ulcers -- on the stitch line. OUCH! Meds do not seem to be helpin. hopefully the ENDO can give us more info on this.
Despit all of this I have been feeling OK. Going to the GYM a few times a week. Hoever I am not loosing weight very fast. ( only 39 pounds in 14 weeks!)
WELL as usuall I went for my annual Mammogram. It showed a lump. This lump was there pre op and I was told not to worry about it. Now just 9 months later, MY PCP got the Mammo report and thinks this should be evaluated by my Suergon. I just saw her and she agrees that this lump need further attention. It is growing . So on Friday I am having a breast biopsey.
Has anyone elese had a cancer scare or cancer post op. DO you know of anyone that has. I am very concerned that with the problems I am already having with getting my nutrition needs meet that if I need chemo I will be a mess.
Sorry I don't have an answer for you. But I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts. My heart goes out to you! I understand how hard it is to have complications and be in the hospital I can't imagine worrying about cancer on top of it. I wish you luck and please keep us updated.

Sheila, I'm sorry I don't have an answer either, just wanted you to know you're in my thoughts and prayers. You poor baby. You've sure had a time of it. ((((Shelia)))) I'll bet you'd get more responses on the main board. I know I've read about a few but don't remeber their names. Keep us posted.~barb