sex drive???
Okay, talk about bad habits... LOL! It's confession time, so please do not flame me. I am looking for advice and help, not condemnation.
Since I have lost 70 pounds, my sex drive is through the ROOF!!! My husband thinks I am going nuts! We have definitely been more active since I got clearance to have sex, which was just a few weeks ago because I had a blood clot.
But here is the problem... I am developing a crush on a friend's husband. I am trying to not think about him, but I find myself day-dreaming! I also have a crush on another guy who is single, but about 10 years older than me.
Am I the only one??? I am happily married to the greatest man in the world, but I crave sexual attention from other men! I shouldn't be flirting, but I do.
What can I do???
I think this is very normal. I sat in a staff meeting a couple of weeks ago and fantised about one of the project managers. He really wasn't a greek god or anything, it is just my sex drive is super hightened.
I kinda feel like a teenaged boy. I think about sex all the time, and not just with my husband. I think it is the hormones going through our bodies.
The fantasy is ok, but we just need to make sure that is all that we do. I think even flirting, to an extent is ok. I hear many stories about women who have been overweight all their lives who live out these fantisies, because they never had the attention or the "sex-life" experiences that thin women may have had.
I am married to a super guy, and I would never want to jepordize that.
Take care.
My sex life is not through the roof, but definitely feel SEXIER! Woo hoo...hey, it's the weightloss. I'm almost at 50lbs down and feeling better looking and more confident with every day that goes by. I am not married, but in a relationship with my BF. I've definitely felt like I've been "checking out" the opposite sex more now than I ever did...I have noticed I've been getting more guy attention, but just don't give it a second thought because in my head I think i still look the same...I know I don't, but that's something I'll eventually get to

I'm glad that I'm not the only one going through this. My poor husband. I think he is starting to feel neglected, and that I don't love him anymore. And I'm starting to wonder what is wrong with me. We've only been married 1 year. I don't even like him to spoon me. I put a body pillow between us at night so he won't be able to put his arm around me. I've told him that it isn't him, it is totally me. He doesn't understand.
Hi Judy, I am the same way... its not him and we have been married for 21 years... and have had a great sex life till this surgery... I am not sure what it is.... my husband is feeling the same way and I have tried to tell him its not him and of course he thinks it is.... but I just dont have any drive.....
I am hoping this will change really quick cause I dont like feeling like this at all....
I'm sorry you are going through that. Kinda funny how we both had the same surgery and are both losing weight, but we have different reactions to things.
As for my fantasies, I am trying to find things that annoy me about my friend's hubby. That will kill any feelings I have for him! LOL! But the single guy is perfect. Actually, he reminds me alot of my husband. So sweet and thoughtful.
Anyways, maybe you might want to talk to your GYN? Maybe something can be done to help?
Good luck!
I'm sorry you are going through that. Kinda funny how we both had the same surgery and are both losing weight, but we have different reactions to things.
As for my fantasies, I am trying to find things that annoy me about my friend's hubby. That will kill any feelings I have for him! LOL! But the single guy is perfect. Actually, he reminds me alot of my husband. So sweet and thoughtful.
Anyways, maybe you might want to talk to your GYN? Maybe something can be done to help?
Good luck!