drool city
so ... i went to sharis with mark and bugsy a couple weeks ago and had the minestone soup. it was awesome. as soon as i finished it though, i had this urge to run... so i go in and prepare to dispose of my soup, but my soup doesnt come out... just loads and loads of saliva and drool and yeah... at least i kept my soup lol
so the other day we went to sharis again, and this time i had turkey breast and mashed potatoes... about half an hour later (pretty much as soon as i walked in the back door) i had another urge... same thing, i kept my food but drooled like a fool.
anyone else have this experience???
It happens often when you mix liquids with foods, but can also happen if you mix foods of different textures. I am thinking the soup and the solids in the soup, and maybe the thinness of the mashed potatoes compared to the turkey breast. It happened to me a lot, too. The stoimach can only let in a small amount at a time. the solids form a bigger bolus (lump of food traveling together) and the liquids movce quickly through the system. The frothing actually happens when the solid bolus fills the available space, moving slowly, and the more liquid-y kind of food backs up behind it. I've found that just the way I have to separate my solids and liquids, I also have to separate my food by thinner and more solid texture. If you have a choice, take the liquid-y texture first (drink the liquid off the soup) and then the more solid food. the liquid will pass quickly into the stomach, and not back up the esophagus.
Also, that may also mean that you have had just a *LITTLE* too much. try to identify the feeling you get just before that happens.
Makes sense...I have had the saaaame thing.. I feel nauseous, and feel like I want to throw up, and just end up spitting and gagging/dry heaving...NOT PRETTY
I have yet to throw up food, just this frothing, you mentioned. Thanks for the info...I still have drinks of liquid when I eat, so may be why I'm having it on occassions...bad me
Thanks again for the question and for the input...