confession time! (good/bad habits)
Have you picked up any bad habits you KNOW are not good for your WLS goal? What are they...
Have you picked up good ones! If so, SHARE THEM!
I drink liquids while I eat, which I've read is a big no-no because it allows you to eat more during meals. I don't know why, but I'm just sooo used to having sips of water or juice while I eat...baaad norma.
I also drink flat diet coke, which is not the best option for liquids...tisk tisk...
Good habit: Bought a pedometer and walk more than I did before. I went to an OH convention where they noted 10,000 steps a day helps you lose weight and keep it off. I'm at about 5,000 a day and definitely competing to break my own record each day.
OH My Gosh! I am soooo in trouble after I post this....
Okay....Bad Habits....
1) I drink While I eat. Not sip, drink.
2) I indulge in the occasional alcoholic beverage
3) I drink flat Diet Pepsi/caffiene free
4) My workouts have become only sporatic now
5) I eat way too much salt
Okay....Good habits....
1) I eat more healthy than I ever have in my 32 years of life.
2) I now love veggies/fruits and keep them around as much as possible
3) I cook healthy for my entire family
4) I now take the stairs and avoid the elevators
The whole drinking thing with meals; I try so hard not to, but I swear it feels like I'm gonna choke if I don't drink something with my meals. And the Soda Addiction is to blame for the diet pepsi, I swear it's so addictive!
Anyway, thanks for posting this, I was feeling so ashamed of myself for falling off the healthy wagon. At least now I have admitted my bad habits and can try to correct them.
Ok, as far as your bad habits, I do all of the above, except salt intake. I also don't bother to "flatten" my soda, but then again, I also don't drink them very often. I don't think you are the only one to have these "bad" habits.
As far as your good habits...same here, although, don't do the stair thing...still bad arthritis, and I take any aid I can to get to other levels of buildings!
-67.8 lbs.
Bad habits:
I drink when I eat, I love sugar free reese peanut butter cups, I have been trying sweets and I dont dump so that is going to be a problem unless I control it...I am not exercising like I should, I dont even go walking....
Good Habits:
I am eating healthier, I dont drink any cokes or alcoholic beverages where as before I could drink 3 cokes a day...
Great question
Yeah guys I am just as guilty. I have done all of the above except drink while I eat because I get full too fast. But I do drink that sprite zero and sparkling wal-mar****er. and I don't really try too hard to get all the carbonation out. I also drink alcohol and sneak little bites of sweet stuff every now and then. But like the other posts I too have developed some new habits that are great. I started seriously working out, eat better food choices, will have one bite of something sweet instead of the whole thing, and I drink diet drinks instead of supersized coke. All in all I think we are doing well and are adjusting to our new way of life. Good luck guys I think we are doing great!!!
Great post question Norma
Its great to see that I am human and that my OH family is right on track with me in this journey.
Bad habits:
Trying out sweets and haven't dumped (me neither Debra)will have to control that.
Thinking that low carb and sugar free means it good for me. ex: Atkins low carb candy bars and hard candies.
Good habits:
Walking on the treadmill 5 days a week 3-5 miles and realizing that its part of my life now. (hate exercising).
Continued success

*pounding head on desk repeatedly...*
bad habits:
i dont drink water.... period... i hate it, it has no flavor and makes me thirsty. i used to drink water when i was a fresh postie, but i am over it, since i am allowed flavor....
i, too, drink while eating... but its more after i am finished eating, unless its something spicy... i still eat only 4 oz, and sometimes not even that...
once in a while i eat junk... i am addicted to sour cream and onion pringles (which is weird because i used to hate sc&o), i can eat a tootsie roll without dumping, i can eat one of the little packs of peanut m&ms without dumping (and it has protien) and i can eat 1 oreo without dumping... but if i even look at a glass of juice, i get sick... explain that one...
good habits:
i avoid grease, fat, oil, shortening, and all that other artery clogging stuff as much as humanly possible....
i cook awesomely healthy now... never thought it was possible
i cook SMALL MEALS... wow this one took me a while to catch on to, i was so used to cooking for 4 because between me and mark, we ate like pigs... now i cook for 2, mark gets 1 and me and kaylee split the other... you would not believe how much money i save now lol
i use fit day and try to top out my protien levels... hey lets face it, the more protien the more ya loose... i'm all over this one
i (yes, me) go to the gym on a regular basis... i can jog half a mile without stopping, i can do that epplictical thingy for 5 minutes (then walk funny for 10) i have started with weights to help fight the batwing arm syndrome.... and i do the bikes.... oh and the sauna...
i am also trying to be more womanly... i grew up as a tomboy in hicksville usa, so i got away with blue jeans and a tee shirt and a ball cap... can't do that anymore... i wear skirts and blouses, sexy bras instead of the built in bra tanks... i really am trying... i even try to fix my hair now, instead of just a ponytail or bun. yep... i'm a new me now...
so there.... more good than bad lol