Roll Call for 8/4/04 Surgeries!!
Hi All~
How is everyone doing? Weight loss? What are you eating? How much protein are you getting in? Any tips/ideas for everyone else? What exciting changes are you experiencing?
Time to brag on yourselves and share!!!!
I have lost 81 pounds and 84.5 inches. I see a new body emerging. I have bones now!!! and have lots of energy.
I am getting in around 60 grams of protein and at least 64 ounces of water.
I thank God every day for giving me this second chance at life and for all of you!!!
Rachel T.

Hi ya!
I can report that to date am down fromm 294.5 to 249# so thats -45.53 in 3months! I am not geeting any shakes in at all! I gag on them. I even tryed one a few moments ago! there was almosT
on my puter screen! I try to get my protein in first. I am just now feeling more energy and am now ready to get my but in gear to exersize! This is one of the reasons I think my weight is a lil slower then most! i have had sevear knee problems but it seems to be alot better lately so I am going to try and bite the bullet! I get at least 40 oz of plain h20 an at least 24 oz of crystal lite most days. I have how ever been drinking to much coffee lately, maybe thats why I have more energy lol! My doc does not want us to cut out all carbs, so I try to eat only "clean carbs". ww bread and veggies. I dont eat alot of breads , thay can trigger me.. Now I am realy tring to focus on the behaviers that have caused me to get so LARGE! I must admit this is harder than any eating plan! It is realy hard work and I find I have to search long and hard to find and address what causes and triggers me! I think this will be the longest and hardest part of my journey! the most exciting thing I have expeienced is fitting into old cloths and people noticeing the weight loss now! I am realy fighting the head stuff, so I realy know I am doing this right! Good things NEVER come easy for me, and this aint easy! wishng you well and conggrats on those great numbers! I am hoping to be as successful as you! KIMW